Intro Session

Introduction to GREAT

What educational superpower would you like to have?

Understanding the needs of the students

Ability to engage with the students and be interactive

Make students look forward to teaching sessions and make them fun

Feel confident that the students learnt something

Keep people interested

Give students a good experience during COVID

Make large group teaching engaging

Be able to do mixed teaching (face-to-face and virtual)

Use different styles and mediums

The nature of a memorable educational experience


Flexible, adaptable

The teaching was relevant

Feeling part of a team and not a burden

Interactive sessions


Memorable for good and bad reasons

Avoiding blame and negativity about getting it wrong

Sense of fun, humor

Educators were cool and calm

Providing opportunistic learning

Teaching perceived as a journey

FInding ways to draw out hidden challenges


Including students in social events

Being brave to admit they don't lnow

Owning uncertainty

Flat Hierarchy

Taking a personal interest in students (eg celebrating when you succeed)

Encouraging students to take risks and making you achieve higher levels

Giving permission to make mistakes without judgement

Supporting students

Watching their confidence grow

Feeling comfortabel and non-judgemental

Using different platforms of learning

Using power and humilation (some people learn better)



Learning and feeling like a peer. Problem solving together.

Experiential eg using anecdotes

Themes discussed

· Approachable – writ large in our mentimeter image, this may tie in with psychological safety, being of central importance to a good learning environment.

· Student-centred education – the challenge of tailoring the education to the student learning needs, more anxiety inducing for the educator, but more engaging for the student…(this is helped if the educator does not need to know all the answers, but can role-model continuous learning…?)

· Sensitivity to how we hold/use our power as educators? Problem solving together with students? Treating our students as future peers?

· Authentic learning – NB the gap between student learning and the real job… getting as close as possible to learning what it is doctors do (i.e. consulting with patients) ‘Influences on students’ career decisions concerning general practice

· Practice-based learning or practice-based evidence considering lived experiences of educational practice and drawing learning and evidence from these experiences.

· Draw out and nurture hidden talents in students transformative learning, professional identity formation (see here for a local student paper on PIF in General Practice)

· Managing uncertainty – confidently not knowing