In Biosystems Engineering, you are required to participate in a Senior Design project, and that is what brought this team together. We all selected this assignment for the same purpose; it was interesting and practical.

Meet the Team

Coming from different backgrounds of life and experience, this team has many aspects of knowledge. This diversity makes working together an innovative and brainstorming machine, while keeping the real world aspects in mind.

Kevin Mills

From: McCordsville, Indiana

Future Plans: Work in manufacturing

Hobbies: Working on cars and motorcycles, woodworking


Ben Willmoth

From: Lexington, Kentucky

Future Plans: Work for an agricultural equipment company

Hobbies: Working on the farm, building things


Ryan Zhender

From: Louisville, Kentucky

Future Plans: Unknown

Hobbies: Working out at the gym


Spencer Givan

From: Chicago, IL

Future Plans: To work in the supply chain world, or healthcare solutions

Hobbies: Playing Golf and enjoying the company of others


Faculty Mentors

Dr. Michael Montross

Dr. Wayne Sanderson


Our Leadership consists of two of the most distinguished professors at The University of Kentucky in the Biosystems Engineering Department.

Michael Peterson, PhD

Professor, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Alicia Modenbach, PhD

Lecturer, Student Services Coordinator