Milestones and Deliverables

#1 - Achieve a better understanding of the functions and design of grain bins

A list of common grain bin features along with the dangers associated with these features - DUE AT 8/31/20 17:00:00

Everyone is equally responsible

Deliverable #1 - Primary research and Meeting.pdf

#2 - Meet with Dr. Montross and Dr. Sanderson; Define the problem and constraints

Official Problem Statement defining the constraints and getting a better textual description - DUE AT 9/7/20 17:00:00

Ben Willmoth, Spencer Givan

Problem Statement.pdf

Design Criteria.pdf

Research how grain acts when certain conditions are present; Analyze case studies to determine the most likely causes of grain bin related deaths

A detailed list of sources that discuss these topics - DUE AT 9/14/20 17:00:00

Ryan Zehnder, Kevin Mills


#3 - Economic and Ergonomic Analysis; How much will the farmer spend, What type of harness will work best?

Economic and Ergonomic Analysis Report - DUE AT 9/28/20 17:00:00

Spencer Givan, Ben Willmoth

BAE 402 Economic Analysis.pptx

#4 - Create sketches of rescue devices, and determine which design will be best

Collection of sketches and component designs along with final design sketch - DUE AT 10/7/20 17:00:00

Everyone is equally responsible

Design Sketches Deliverable.pdf

#5 - Model the design and all components in a 3D modeling software

3D Modeled Official Design - DUE AT 10/29/20 17:00:00

Kevin Mills, Ben Willmoth

3D Drawings.pdf

#6 - Presentation, Website, Design Elements

A presentable poster and website detailing our design - DUE AT 11/20/20 17:00:00

Spencer Givan, Ben Willmoth

December Results

#7 - Modify the Design

3D Modeled Final Design - DUE AT 11/27/20 17:00:00

Ben Willmoth, Kevin Mills

Revised design.pdf

#8 - Final Design Package and Report

Design Report - DUE AT 12/1/20 17:00:00

Everyone is responsible

Design Report.pdf

Design Package.pdf


#9 - Order Parts for Building

Discuss plans and get feedback from Machinists and Tim Smith

Brief Summary of Discussion, Updated and completed version of our Bill of Materials. DUE AT 2/12/21 17:00:00

Bill of Materials.xlsx

#10 - Materials delivered to Barnhart.

Documentation of purchase receipts for the needed parts. DUE AT 2/26/21 17:00:00

Kevin Mills, Ben Willmoth

No Deliverable

#11 - Failure Mode Element Analysis (FMEA)

FMEA Report submitted, Conducted to decide whether or not electronic portions of mechanism are necessary. DUE AT 2/26/21 17:00:00

Kevin Mills, Ryan Zehnder


#12 - Initial Assembly complete.

By this time, the initial assembly of the product itself should be complete, and testing should now be able to start. DUE at 3/19/21 17:00:00

Group responsibility

No Deliverable

#13 - Testing Conducted and Improvements made.

Testing should be at least 75% done, and improvements have been made along the way where needed. DUE at 4/9/21 17:00:00

Group Responsibility

Test Results.xlsx

#14 - Final Product Complete; Final Submission of Report, Package, Etc.

The Product is finished, fully tested and ready for use. The Report and Design Package is also submitted and complete. DUE at 5/9/21 17:00:00

Group Responsibility

Design Report.pdf

Design Package.pdf

Deliverable #1 - Primary research and Meeting.pdf

Deliverable #1

Problem Statement Final.pdf

Deliverable #2

Design Criteria and Considerations (1).pdf

Deliverable #2

BAE 402 Economic Analysis.pptx

Deliverable #3

Design Sketches Deliverable.pdf

Deliverable #4

Deliverable 3D Drawings Grain Bin Rescue.pdf

Deliverable #5

Deliverable Design Revised.pdf

Deliverable #7



BillofMaterials SP21.xlsx

Bill of Materials

Grain Bin FMEA.xlsx



Final Design Package

BAE Design Report Final.pdf

Final Design Report

GrainRescueSystem_Data (1).xlsx

Test Data