
Graham's artistic journey officially commenced in 1988 when he completed a foundational art course with Lyceum College. Intrigued by the interplay of colors and textures, he delved into the realms of acrylic and oil paints, honing his craft through freelancing opportunities.

Urban Scene

Oil Paint on Canvas board

500mm x 600mm

R 3995.00

Amid Cape Town's urban bustle, Cape Dutch houses with gabled roofs and vibrant facades stand as living relics, weaving a harmonious tale of South Africa's rich architectural heritage beneath the watchful gaze of Table Mountain. 

Morning Glory

Oil Paint on Masonite Hardboard

600mm x 600mm


In the morning hush, the sun's golden fingers weave through the trees, painting a luminous masterpiece on nature's canvas, casting a tranquil glow that awakens the world with whispered warmth. 

Gumtrees near a Farm

Oil Paint on Canvas board

600mm x 500mm

R 3995.00

Amidst sprawling farmland, gumtrees stand sentinel, their slender forms silhouetted against the horizon, whispering tales of resilience and quiet strength in the rural breeze. 

Village in China 

Oil Paint on Canvas board

900mm x 600mm


Through the eons, Chinese villages echo ancient stories etched in rice terraces and tiled roofs, each cobblestone holding the footsteps of dynasties, a living tapestry weaving tradition and time across the rural landscapes of history. 

Cape Mountains

Oil Paint on Masonite Hardboard

800mm x 600mm


Carved by time's patient hand, the Cape mountains bear witness to ages past, their rugged peaks echoing tales of geological symphonies and cultural narratives, standing as silent sentinels to the evolving story of South Africa's breathtaking landscape. 


Oil Paint on Canvasboard

600mm x 500mm


In the embrace of South Africa, the Drakensberg Mountains unfold an ancient saga, where majestic peaks narrate the geological journey and rock art whispers the cultural legacy, etching a timeless narrative across the breathtaking canvas of the region's history. 

Cape dutch house in the Cape Country side

Oil Paint on Masonite Hardboard

500mm x 600mm


Nestled in the Cape's countryside, Cape Dutch houses tell tales of colonial charm and architectural grace, their whitewashed walls and distinctive gables echoing the historical narrative of South Africa's rural heritage, where time stands still in the shadow of these enduring symbols. 

Giants Castle Drakensberg

Oil Paint on Canvas

600mm x 700mm


In the heart of the Drakensberg mountains, Giants Castle stands as a sentinel to ancient tales. Its history whispers of a time when the San people painted vibrant scenes on its rock shelters, leaving an enduring mark on the rugged canvas of South Africa's rich cultural heritage. 

In the distance

Oil Paint on box canvas

600mm x 600mm


Nestled in the Cape's countryside, Cape Dutch houses tell tales of colonial charm and architectural grace, their whitewashed walls and distinctive gables echoing the historical narrative of South Africa's rural heritage, where time stands still in the shadow of these enduring symbols. 

Cape landscape scene

Oil Paint on Masonite Hardboard

630mm x 780mm


Amidst the majestic peaks of the Cape Mountains, a spirited river danced down ancient slopes, weaving tales of resilience in every ripple, as it carved a timeless narrative into the rugged landscape below. Along its serpentine journey, the river whispered secrets to the mountain breeze, etching a harmonious symphony of nature's enduring melody. 

Cape Mountains

Oil Paint on Masonite Hardboard

600mm x 1200mm


In the tranquil embrace of Cape Mountain scenery, emerald valleys cradle whispers of mist-kissed fynbos, painting a breathtaking tableau where time stands still, and the mountains breathe tales of serene beauty under the African sky. 

Cape Mountains

            Oil Paint on Masonite Hardboard

                            700mm x 1200mm


Amidst Cape Mountain scenery, Cape Dutch style houses grace the riverbanks like elegant guardians, their white gables reflecting in the clear waters, a picturesque blend of architecture and nature that tells tales of timeless charm. In this serene tableau, mountains stand as silent witnesses to the harmonious dance between tradition and the untamed beauty of the landscape. 

Karoo landscape

Oil Paint on Canvas board

600mm x 500mm


In the heart of the Karoo mountain landscape, ancient rocks stand as stoic storytellers, narrating a saga of time's patient erosion, preserving the echoes of prehistoric wonders and resilient tales etched into the rugged folds of time. Through eons, these mountains silently bear witness to the passage of civilizations, weaving a geological epic that transcends the fleeting footprints of humanity. 

Thunder Storm Over the Karoo

Oil Paint on Canvas

700mm x 500mm


In the heart of the Karoo, thunderstorms brew with electrifying drama, painting the vast canvas with flashes of lightning that silhouette the rugged mountains. The symphony of rain on the arid land echoes resilience, as each droplet dances with the desert dust, bringing life to the parched earth. 

Awesome Karoo Sky

Oil Paint on Masonite Hardboard

              600mm x 500mm


In the mid-morning canvas of the Karoo sky, a soft cerulean expanse stretches over the vast landscape, kissed by the gentle warmth of the sun. Wisps of clouds, like cotton candy, drift lazily, creating a tranquil masterpiece that bathes the Karoo in the serene glow of daylight. 

Aniston Houses

Oil Paint on Canvasboard

500mm x 600mm


In the quaint town of Aniston, the first houses were crafted with love and timber by skilled artisans in the 1800s, creating a charming architectural legacy that continues to grace the streets today, weaving a tale of timeless elegance and enduring craftsmanship. As the years unfolded, each Aniston house stood as a silent witness to the town's evolution, embodying the rich history and cherished memories of generations past. 

Cape Dutch House

Oil Paint on Canvas Board

500mm x 600mm


Cape Dutch houses, with their iconic gables and whitewashed walls, trace their origin to 17th-century South Africa, where Dutch settlers combined European design with local materials, creating a distinctive architectural style that reflects the region's cultural fusion and enduring charm through the ages. These historic homes, nestled in the Cape Winelands, stand as picturesque reminders of a bygone era, capturing the essence of a unique chapter in architectural history. 

Landscape scene in Florence, Italy

Oil Paint on Canvas Board

500mm x 600mm


In the heart of Florence, Italy, the landscape unfolds like a Renaissance masterpiece, where terracotta rooftops embrace historic wonders like the iconic Duomo and Ponte Vecchio, casting a timeless allure over the cityscape that mirrors the artistic legacy of this enchanting cultural capital. Amidst the rolling hills of Tuscany, Florence's landscape is a canvas of vineyards and olive groves, painting a harmonious blend of nature and history that captivates visitors with its enduring beauty. 

Mountains in Venezuela

Oil Paint on Canvas

700mm x 1000mm


Venezuela's majestic mountains, like the Andes and Sierra Nevada, echo with tales of ancient civilizations and natural wonders, as their peaks guard the secrets of indigenous cultures and witness the evolution of the nation's diverse landscapes over centuries. Carved by time and crowned by myths, these Venezuelan mountains stand as silent storytellers, narrating a geological and historical saga that transcends generations. 

Storm brewing over the Karoo mountains

Oil Paint On Canvas Board

700mm x 1000mm


As the sun dipped behind the rugged Karoo mountains, whispers of an impending storm brewed in the air. Lightning crackled, dancing across the darkening sky, heralding nature's tempest about to unleash its fury. 

Modern Dancer

Oil Paint on Canvas

900mm x 700mm

 ( Sold)

In the vibrant tapestry of modern dance, pioneers broke traditional molds, weaving a rhythmic rebellion that echoed freedom. From the spirited Roaring Twenties to today's diverse expressions, each step narrates a tale of liberation through movement. 


Oil Paint on Canvas Board

600mm x 900mm


Ballet, born in 15th-century Italian courts, gracefully evolved from royal entertainment to a refined art form, enchanting audiences worldwide with its harmonious blend of music, movement, and storytelling. Over centuries, ballet has transcended cultural boundaries, leaving an indelible mark as a timeless expression of beauty and grace. 

Taking a Break

Oil Paint on Canvas Board

700mm x 900mm


Realistic figure painting emerged during the Renaissance, flourishing in the 15th century as artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo skillfully captured the human form with unparalleled precision, ushering in an era where art sought to mirror life in exquisite detail and emotional depth. This pursuit of realism became a cornerstone, influencing generations of painters and shaping the course of art history. 

Admiring the view

Oil Paint on Canvas Board

600mm x 900mm


In the 18th century, figure painting reached new heights as artists adorned canvases with elegant ladies in elaborate gowns, their intricate details a testament to the mastery of the craft, immortalizing the grace and sophistication of an era in strokes of timeless beauty. Each brushstroke brought to life the allure of the lady in her finery, weaving a visual ode to the artistry of fashion and portraiture. 

Bull elephant

Oil Paint on Canvas

700mm x 1000mm


In the annals of time, the bull elephant stands as a majestic icon of strength and wisdom, tracing its legacy from ancient civilizations that revered it as a symbol of power, resilience, and untamed grandeur, echoing tales of both the wild and the revered in the vast tapestry of nature's history. 


Oil Paint on Canvas

700mm x  1000mm


Mustangs, descendants of Spanish conquistador's horses, galloped into the vast American West, embodying freedom and resilience as they shaped the untamed landscapes, their wild spirit echoing the pioneer spirit that defined an enduring chapter in the history of the frontier. 


Oil Paint on Canvas

700mm x 1000mm


The white mustang, a symbol of untethered grace on the open plains, carries a legacy as a living emblem of freedom, capturing hearts with its ethereal beauty and embodying the spirit of the wild in a single, magnificent form. In its gallop, echoes the untamed essence that transcends the confines of the ordinary, painting a portrait of liberation against the backdrop of the vast, windswept horizon. 

Admiring the view

Oil Paint on Canvas

700mm x 900mm

R4195.00 (Sold)

Amidst the rhythmic waves, artists in the 19th century captured the elegance of ladies at the beach, adorning them in fancy gowns that billowed in the sea breeze, blending the opulence of fashion with the natural beauty of the shore in strokes that echoed the harmonious dance between sophistication and the serene seaside. Each painting became a timeless ode to the juxtaposition of refined glamour against the backdrop of the ever-changing, picturesque coastline. 

Stormy Sunset

Oil Paint on Canvas

700mm x 1000mm


In the storm's twilight embrace, a defiant sunset clashed with turbulent waves, their tumultuous dance illuminated by flashes of fiery hues, an elemental spectacle where nature's forces collided in a tempestuous farewell beneath the darkening sky. 

Sunset over the crashing waves

Oil Paint on Canvas

700mm x 1000mm


As the sun dipped low, its golden fingers painted the sky, casting a warm glow over the crashing sea waves, creating a breathtaking tableau where nature's fiery farewell met the rhythmic dance of the ocean, weaving a serene symphony of colors and motion in the tranquil embrace of dusk. 

KZN Mountains

Oil Paint on Canvas board

700mm x 1000mm


The KZN mountains, their peaks scraping the sky, wear their history on their windswept slopes. Whispers of the earliest inhabitants, the San, linger in the echoes of ancient hunting calls and the painted tales on hidden cave walls. Bantu-speaking communities followed, weaving empires like the Zulus into the valleys, shaping a landscape of resilient warriors and intricate social structures.

This canvas of time then saw the arrival of European settlers, their clash with Zulu might echoing through battles like Rorke's Drift. Cultures melded and shifted, leaving a legacy of diverse traditions and languages that still dance amidst the mountain mists. Today, these peaks beckon nature lovers and seekers of wisdom, whispering stories of the past while embracing the vibrant future of a region forever shaped by the passage of time.


Oil Paint on Canvas board

700mm x 1200mm


The treacherous coastline of the Cape has long whispered tales of shipwrecks and peril. Early navigators relied on intuition and fleeting starlight, their journeys fraught with danger. It was in this context that the first lighthouses of the Cape emerged, silent sentinels piercing the darkness with their watchful eyes.

Born in the 19th century, these towers began with Green Point in Cape Town, its sturdy form guiding ships into Table Bay. Others followed, each responding to a specific nautical need. Cape Agulhas, perched at the southern tip, cast its beam across the meeting point of two oceans. Slangkop, overlooking Kommetjie, warned of hidden reefs, while the majestic Cape St. Francis in the Eastern Cape stood guard against treacherous shoals. Each lighthouse carries a unique story, woven with the struggles of construction, the dedication of keepers, and the countless lives saved from the unforgiving sea.

Today, these sentinels stand as silent witnesses to the evolution of maritime technology. Their lenses, once fueled by whale oil and coal, now pulse with electricity, their beams stretching farther than ever before. Yet, their essence remains unchanged: a silent promise of safe passage, a beacon of hope in the vast darkness, and a testament to the enduring human spirit that conquers even the most formidable oceans.


Oil Paint on Canvas board

600mm x 500mm


Venice, a city born of water, has always depended on its intricate network of canals for life and movement. Early Venetians relied on various boats, but none captured the city's soul quite like the gondola. Its first whispers appear in the 11th century, a practical boat designed for navigating narrow waterways with agility. Gondolas were initially utilitarian, used for daily commutes and transportation of goods.

Over time, the gondola evolved, mirroring the city's changing fortunes. In the 16th century, as Venice prospered, gondolas became objects of opulent decoration, adorned with velvet cushions, gilded hardware, and even singing gondoliers. This era also saw the standardization of the gondola's unique asymmetrical design, ensuring perfect maneuverability in the labyrinthine canals. But as steamboats arrived in the 19th century, the gondola's practical use waned. It found new life, however, as a symbol of romanticism and Venetian charm, captivating visitors with its graceful glides and timeless allure. Today, the gondola remains a vital part of Venice's cultural tapestry, carrying whispers of history and the promise of an enchanting Venetian experience.

I hope this 2-paragraph article captures the essence of the gondola's role in Venice's history! Let me know if you have any other requests.