Services Offered

Embark on a visual journey through Graham's portfolio, where each stroke of the brush tells a story. From captivating landscapes to emotive figure paintings, every piece reflects Graham's passion for bringing the canvas to life.

Introduction to Artistic Services

Welcome to the vibrant world of Graham Brown, where art comes to life through the enchanting mediums of oil paintings and pencil sketches. With a passion deeply rooted in creativity and a commitment to capturing the essence of emotions on canvas, I invite you to explore the diverse array of artistic services offered on this page.

Discover Your Unique Artistic Journey

Embark on a journey of visual storytelling with my bespoke oil paintings, each stroke carefully crafted to convey a narrative that resonates with you. Dive into the intricate world of pencil sketches, where the subtlety of lines brings out the raw beauty of subjects. Whether you are seeking a personalized masterpiece or a captivating, cherished artwork, each service is tailored to evoke a sense of wonder and connection.

Unveiling the Artistic Spectrum

From the classical allure of oil paintings to the delicacy of pencil sketches, my services encompass a rich spectrum of artistic expressions. Immerse yourself in the traditional charm of these timeless techniques, where each piece reflects not only skill but a deep understanding of the emotions conveyed through art. This portfolio is a testament to the versatility and expertise that define my artistic offerings.

Your Artistic Vision, Brought to Life

At Graham Brown Art, collaboration is at the heart of the artistic process. Your vision is the guiding force behind each creation. Whether you seek a captivating portrait, a personalized commission, or a cherished piece, my commitment is to transform your ideas into tangible, awe-inspiring works of art. Let's embark on a creative journey together, where your imagination meets the brush and pencil, giving rise to masterpieces that resonate with your soul.

Oil Painting

Discover the beauty and depth of Graham's oil paintings, each canvas a testament to his mastery of the medium. Browse through collections that capture the essence of landscapes, seascapes, still life, and evocative figures.

Embarking on the journey of painting is an exhilarating and expressive endeavor that allows individuals to unleash their creativity onto a canvas. As an artist, the painting process becomes a personalized exploration of colors, techniques, and emotions, culminating in a visual masterpiece that reflects one's unique perspective and style. Whether working with oils, acrylics, or other mediums, the act of painting involves a series of thoughtful steps and decisions. This introductory paragraph sets the stage for a deeper exploration into the intricacies of the painting process, from the initial inspiration to the final strokes on the canvas.

In my approach to landscapes and seascapes, the process remains consistent, with variations limited to the sky's unique characteristics. For the landscape detailed below, the following steps were executed:

Choose Canvas Size and Prepare Surface:

Select the canvas size and treat the surface with several layers of gesso, allowing it to dry.

Apply Wash Over Canvas:

Apply a thin layer of warm color thinned with paraffin or turpentine across the entire canvas, using alizarin crimson in this instance.

Sketch Scene with Charcoal:

Outline the major elements of the scene, such as the horizon line and mountain shapes, using charcoal for its light, thin lines.

Paint the Sky:

Begin with the sky, incorporating different blue tones and, in some areas, introducing red and orange for violet and darker tones. Ensure to preserve the reddish tone of the sky's underpainting.

Create Clouds:

Mix cadmium yellow into white for the clouds, adding brightness and representing sunshine. Paint shadows first with sky colors, then proceed to lighter cloud areas, blending to achieve a soft, fluffy appearance.

Foreground Mountains' Underpainting:

Use a dark ultramarine blue color for the foreground mountains' underpainting, gradually lightening the tone as the scene recedes.

Paint Ground Underpainting:

Paint a very dark brown color for the ground underpainting, incorporating ultramarine blue and cadmium orange. For the path, mix a blue-purple shade, emphasizing the application of dark but thin underpainting.

Highlight and Shadow on Mountains:

Mix colors for the shadow and highlight sides of the foreground mountain. Apply highlights with cadmium orange, titanium white, and yellow ochre. Use a rigger brush to delineate crevices, ensuring consistency in the light source's direction throughout the painting process. Final details are added once the painting has dried.

This systematic approach ensures a cohesive and visually compelling  landscape or seascape painting.

Pencil Sketches

Immerse yourself in the intricate world of Graham's pencil sketches, where every line and shade is meticulously crafted to convey a sense of realism and emotion.

Connect with Graham

Join the artistry journey with Graham Brown. Follow him on social media  and reach out for commissions or collaborations.