
CODE: 649

The Money Hackers

"The Money Hackers focuses on some of fintech's most powerful disruptors--a ragtag collection of financial outsiders and savants--and uses their incredible stories to explain not just how the technology works, but how the Silicon Valley thinking behind the technology, ideas like friction, hedonic adaptation, democratization, and disintermediation, is having a drastic effect on the entire banking and finance industry"

CODE: 650

The Dumb Things Smart People Do With Their Money

"By breaking bad habits and following Jill's pragmatic and accessible rules for managing your finances, you can save tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars, not to mention avoid countless sleepless nights. Practical, no-nonsense, and often counterintuitive, The Dumb Things Smart People Do with Their Money tells you what you really need to hear about retirement, college financing, insurance, real estate, and more. It might just be the smartest investment you make all year"

CODE: 652

Die With Zero

"A startling new philosophy and practical guide to getting the most out of your money-and out of life-for those who value memorable experiences as much as their earnings"

CODE: 653

How Much Money is Enough?

In his inimitable style, Benny uses his own life stories, anecdotes and real-life events to articulate his thoughts on the seven rules in achieving financial freedom. these includes: understanding the differences between financial freedom and financial independence, spending discipline, risk buying on credit, long-term investment, future plan.

CODE: 658

Tips Kewangan Viral

Kewangan yang kita bakal bina adalah untuk keluarga kita juga. Fikirkan dari banyak sudut, percayalah anda akan rasa menyesal kerana tidak mula dari awal, sedangkan sudah berapa lama pula masa kita terbuang dengan perkara yang sia-sia. Masa depan kita tidak tunggu kita untuk bersedia, tetapi kita sendirilah yang kena lebih menghargai masa kita. Anda sudah bersedia? Jom mulakan bina kewangan.

KOD: 360

Bajet Power : Simpan Dan Labur Gaya Orang Muda

Buku ini ditulis secara santai, sentap dan sempoi untuk semua anak muda yang sedang mencari hala tuju kewangan, pelaburan dan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Ia berdasarkan pengalaman penulis dalam bidang perbankan, pengurusan kewangan dan pelaburan hartanah.

CODE: 659

Why We Want You To Be Rich

Discusses the importance of financial education and offers advice for using financial literacy to increase wealth.