Passion Project

Monday - Thursday, 9am - 12pm

July 5th -  July 27th

Is there something you've always yearned to do? A topic that you just can't get out of your head? What excites you? What inspires you? 

Maybe you've always wanted to write and publish your own graphic novel or learn about how movies are made. Perhaps you're fascinated by climate change and its impact on animals and humans. Maybe you've always wondered how dinosaurs have evolved into the animals we know today or how the rover Perseverance landed on Mars? 

If you have the desire to dive deeper into a topic, we invite you to take part in a passion project! In this pathway you will be given the guidance to explore what fascinates you in order to become an expert on the topic who shares their knowledge with others. This is an opportunity to take the time to immerse yourself in whatever brings you joy and share your learning with others!