Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain is a common presenting problem in primary care or A&E. Symptoms may be acute (an 'acute abdomen'), subacute or chronic. There are many possible causes - it is not always possible to reach a definite diagnosis in primary care. What is important is to assess how sick the patient is, to identify any life-threatening problems or 'red flags' and to decide the next step in management - eg, whether to monitor, investigate or refer and how urgently. 

Recommended videos

1) Clinically speaking (you can search with term 'abdominal pain' for other videos)




2) Virtual Primary Care (suggested generic questions)

A patient presenting with acute abdominal pain https://vpc.medicalschoolscouncil.org.uk/staff/videos/77 

A patient with haematemesis, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding https://vpc.medicalschoolscouncil.org.uk/staff/videos/18 


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