Near Peer SSC

SSC Title: Medical Educator and Clinical Development in Primary Care

Medical Area:  Medical Education and Primary Care

Contact: Dr Vidya Mistry


Learning Objectives

Within the Context of Primary Care: -


QMUL SEED Application (teaching portfolio to support application)

1500-word reflection

A creative reflection or enquiry into the educator journey (drawing, poem, poster etc.)


Facilities Available

Use of medical and teaching and IT equipment at the GP Surgery.

Use of teaching/conference facilities at GP Practice.



GP Practice with support from CBME (workshops can be virtual or face to face at the medical school depending on situation)

Teaching space

Use of clinical and teaching rooms at GP Practice


Access to computers and IT equipment, medical and teaching equipment usually found in a GP Practice

Other Resources

Online teaching resources and central training and support (weekly lunchtime drop-in as well as 3 central workshops)

Sample Near Peer SSC Timetable.pdf

Dates of the SSC5a rotations 22-23

Rotation 2: Monday 3rd October 2022 - Friday 28th October 2022

Rotation 3: Monday 31st October 2022 - Friday 25th November 2022

Rotation 4: Monday 28th November 2022 - Friday 9th December 2022 (BREAK) Monday 2nd January 2023 - Friday 13th January 2023

Rotation 5: Monday 16th January 2023 - Friday 10th February 2023

Rotation 6: Monday 13th February 2022 - Friday 10th March 2023

Feedback in Medical Education

Feedback forms an essential part of clinical teaching and helps bridge the gap between actual and desired performance of learners. We often find ourselves on the receiving end of feedback, but what does it take to give good constructive feedback? 

Principles of good feedback:

A popular feedback method is the Pendleton model


1.     Ask the learner what was done well


2.     The observer reinforces and states what was done well


3.     Ask the learner what could be improved or done differently next time


4.     The observer states learning points and how to improve

Another model is the feedback sandwich:


1.     Positive/reinforcing statements


2.     Corrective/constructive statements


3.     Positive/reinforcing statements