Chest pain

Chest pain tasks:

  • Scenario to consider: A 55 year old presents with chest pain.

    • What are the differential diagnoses, what questions might you ask, what are the RED FLAG symptoms, what is important on examination,?

  • Review readings and videos.

  • Consider reading up on some specific diagnoses (asthma, COPD, pneumonia, PE, heart failure, anxiety) for example on or CKS e.g.

  • Choose how best to explore in your tutorial e.g.

    • Jamboard review of differential diagnoses, history questions and points of examination

    • role-play with GP as Chest pain patient

    • watch the Virtual Primary Care video(s) below and explore learning points from the consultation and further reading - you may want to select a part of the video for discussion to watch together in the tutorial

Please review the materials and activities outlined below:

BMJ Learning Module - Chest pain: a guide to investigation and management for GPs

Recommended videos

1) Clinically speaking (you can search with term 'chest pain' for other videos)

Unstable Angina and Myocardial Infarction

Chest pain of unknown cause

2) Virtual Primary Care (suggested generic questions)

A lady with pain between shoulder blades, concerned re cardiac cause

  • See resources and questions attached to this video

A lady with multiple symptoms including chest pain

  • See resources and questions attached to this video