Governor Simcoe Visual Arts


This site is for the exploration of the work and projects that are done by students at Governor Simcoe Secondary School.

Mr. Michael Grant has been the Art Teacher at Simcoe for a decade, and teaches and encourages students from grade 9, all the way through grade 12.

In visual art class, students learn about the elements and principles of design, and the art-making techniques that are inherent in each historical period of visual art from prehistoric times to present day.

In art club, students have the freedom to create any artwork they can imagine, using a variety of mediums proved by Mr. Grant.

Please feel free to peruse through past and present artworks by students at Governor Simcoe. This site is constantly being updated, so keep checking back to see what new features we've added!

Thank you,

Cadence and Ryenne

(The Art Curators)

P.S. Check out what we're up to in the art room through our instagram @RedcoatArts !

Governor Simcoe Secondary School

Located at 15 Glenview Avenue, St. Catharines, ON L2N 2Z7

Please feel free to contact us

Phone: 905-934-4006


Instagram: @RedcoatArts