Grade 10

About Grade Ten Art

This course enables students to develop their skills in producing and presenting art by introducing them to new ideas, materials, and processes for artistic exploration and experimentation. Students will apply the elements and principles of design when exploring the creative process. Students will also use the critical analysis process to reflect on and interpret art within a personal, contemporary, and historical context.

Art History

The Medieval Renaissance marked an important point in history for art. This time period allowed for great experimentation, and brought other elements such as math into the artistic equation. Students will learn about the great artists of the era such as Rembrandt and Velazquez and what mark they left on the landscape.

Grade 10 Monogram

Monogram Design

Pencil Crayon Drawing

Using pencil crayons and their knowledge of the principles of design, students will create a monogram that showcases their hobbies/interests, while also having to make a unified and balanced composition.

Grade 10 Still Life

Still Life Drawing


Using basic forms, students learn about perspective and shading through the challenge of drawing a graphite still life.

Grade 10 Graphite (Gargoyle Gradation)

Gradation Gargoyle Drawing


After learning about Medieval art, students will take their knowledge of design principles as well as the elements of art to create a unified transformation of an everyday object into a gargoyle of their choosing.

Grade 10 Acrylic (Architectural Design)

Non-linear Perspective Painting

Acrylic Painting

Based on the use of non-linear perspective during the Italian Renaissance , students will create their first acrylic paintings on canvas. Students will be tested on their ability to mix tints, tones, and shades as well as the proper use of design elements and principles to create a unified composition.

Grade 10 Golden Section

The Golden Section Homage


After learning about the significance of the golden ratio as a compositional tool in Renaissance art, students will create an homage to someone that inspires them. This assignment is a mixed-media piece that features realistic drawing and shading, two-point perspective drawing, pen and ink, pencil crayons and watercolour.

Grade 10 Mask

The Mask


Students will explore how they portray themselves on the outside versus how they see themselves on the inside through various forms of symbolism. This assignment involves students drawing on the outside of a mask with pencil crayon, and using 3-dimensional elements on the inside.


Notebook Sketches


Sketchbooks include not only art history and theory notes, but also coloured symbols that represent a theoretical or historic concept the student is learning. Studio-based art thumbnail sketches and worked-up sketches should also be completed in the sketchbook (according to expectations).

Process is as important as product in our art class.

Students are encouraged to add colour and creativity to everything they put into their sketchbook.