How long do modems and routers last

How long do modems and routers last? The internet hums with possibilities, from streaming cinematic masterpieces to connecting with loved ones across continents. But this vibrant tapestry has a silent hero, the often-underrated router, keeping the digital rivers flowing smoothly. Yet, even heroes age. So, the question arises: how long do routers last? This guide dives into the lifespan saga, revealing the factors influencing longevity, warning signs of impending trouble, and empowering you to navigate the world of router upgrades with confidence and informed choices.

Factors that Shape Your Router's Destiny

The average router's lifespan typically ranges from 5 to 7 years, but this number dances to the tune of several factors:

Bonus Tip: Remember, these are just general guidelines. Individual router models, brands, and usage patterns can significantly impact lifespan. Pay attention to manufacturer warranties and user reviews for specific estimates.

The Telltale Signs: When Your Router Whispers "Upgrade Me"

Not all heroes wear capes, but malfunctioning routers do throw out warning flares. Be on the lookout for these signals:
