How can I advertise my business for free online in India?

First of all, how to promote online business? It can not be denied that social media has huge power. These can be big platforms to attract your potential customers.

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To begin, create profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. This will not only help you gain more customers, but it will also allow you to engage them and obtain valuable feedback about your products or services.

The frequency with which you post is critical here. If you post on a regular basis, you will gain popularity and loyal subscribers who will eventually convert to customers. You can share business updates or industry-related news. The best way is to follow and monitor the influencers in your industry. Ideally, you should post on Facebook twice a week and Twitter three to four times per day.

Optimize SEO for your website

What is the first thing people do when they decide to purchase something? They go to Google and look for that product or service. They try to gather as much information about the product as possible before looking for vendors who sell it. So, if your website does not appear in Google search, it is almost as if you do not exist.

How can we make this right? The easiest way is to hire someone to optimize your website for search engines, but even in that case, you must be aware of the process or risk of being penalized by Google. These techniques are not difficult to learn. Here are some resources to get you started:

Learn some basic knowledge about SEO is essential for you to avoid cheating if you hire an SEO agency.

Answer Questions

When people are stuck and looking for a solution to their problem, they turn to specific Internet forums. Q&A sites such as Quora and Yahoo Answers are popular places to find new customers. People also post their inquiries in Linkedin Groups.

So, how can you take advantage of it? How to promote online business? Make an account on these sites and begin looking for your product or service. For example, if I want to raise awareness about ProfitBooks, I will search for ‘Accounting Software.' You will be bombarded with questions about your product. People may inquire about the top companies that sell this product, as well as product comparisons, and so on.

Begin by answering simple questions, then progress to more difficult ones. Using ProfitBooks as an example, I searched for ‘Best Accounting Software‘ on Quora and received hundreds of questions on the subject. Then I simply began responding to and recommending ProfitBooks to users. We get a lot of traffic from Quora every month.

You can accomplish the same thing on Yahoo Answers and Linkedin Groups. These three networks are all extremely powerful. The best part is that Google has indexed these sites. As a result, whenever someone searches for it, your answers will appear in Google search. Isn't it fantastic?

Just make sure to respond with the intent to assist. Nobody enjoys hard selling.

Showcase your Product on Youtube

How to promote online business in India? Let’s start with Youtube. Did you know that every day, over 4 billion videos are watched on YouTube? This figure is increasing by the day. As a result, it makes perfect sense to post a video about your product or service right away! The best part is that this video will appear in search results, increasing the visibility of your product.

How do you get started? First, decide what you want to make. For products, a short 2-minute demo will suffice, and for services, you can record and upload a client testimonial. YouTube provides useful tools for editing uploaded videos. You can, for example, add narration or music, trim video, and do a variety of other things.

Remember to include the product name or related keywords in the video's title and description. Once you've uploaded a number of videos, you can create a channel similar to the one we've set up to showcase product tutorials. If you create interesting content that has the potential to go viral, you will hit the jackpot, and leads will flood your inbox.


How to promote online business in India? Hope you get some useful tips to boost your business.

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