
碧雲莊是個非常珍惜自然資源的地方, 我們社區裡有兩種雨撲滿,一種是水塔型,另一種則是魚菜共生的生態水池型。

Bi-yun village is a place that cherishes natural resources. There are two types of rainwater harvesting in our community, one is the water tower, and the other is the aquaponics ecological pool.


There is a large water tower next to the activity center, which collects the rainwater from the roof of the activity center. These rainwaters will be gradually converted into the reserve water such as “filtration, initial waste disposal, overflow pipe and automatic water supply”. Rainwater is used for watering and flushing, automatically switch to tap water for watering when the amount of rainwater is not enough.