hana sumai

"Hana Sumai I thought just sounded nice — it's two japanese words I liked just strung together. It doesn't make much sense if you translate it, to be honest, but who gives a fuck" 

Hana Sumai is all improvised, and I try not to draw inspiration from other music — I just pick up a guitar, and play whatever my mood makes my play. I guess Hana Sumai is also largely a project of my symptoms, also. 

 Hana Sumai is very mood based — I'd say the project is pretty much driven by melancholy. I really struggle with seeing the point of my existence; I don't understand why we bother to go on as humans, and I think Hana Sumai reflects that. Hana Sumai is never really composed, though — just totally improvised — I think that works best for that stuff. /interview/

depressed rock guitar in d (2016)

death is beautiful​/​withering coils (2013)

hana sumai. (2011) COMPILATION

shattered bone orchestra​/​liminal space (2011)

growing pains (2011)

decayed ocean asylum (2010)

kodai no hone (2007)

original image:

"3rd february"

Published: Feb 4, 2009