
  1. step in 02:47

  2. henrietta (gunsteppa mix) 06:00

  3. eat you up inside 03:29

  4. section 9 (stand alone complex) 05:55

  5. raped by the ninja 05:24

  6. ...into the hands 03:15

  7. bisvoalshabops 04:20

  8. reblaster 04:22

  9. henrietta (all washed up reprise) 05:09

  10. dreambreak destiny 07:28

  11. step out 01:25

50 minutes of minimal-ambient-dark-loli-dub, 22nd october 2010

all tracks are the product of

quetiapine induced melancholy

in the third quarter of 2010

thank you.


the artist formerly known and currently known as goreshit presents...


released October 22, 2010