Collaborative Slides - Group Work

Create Collaborative Slides for groups of Students to respond to a prompt/task then provide feedback to each other.

#101 - Collaborative Group Slides (Groups not Individuals) - HOW MIGHT YOU USE THIS?

Collaborative Slides - Group Work

Click HERE to get your own copy of the collaborative group slides from above.


  • Group students, then have the individuals in each group respond to a prompt or task, compare with each other, provide feedback to each other and have readily available access to all shared information. - This is great for a simple Jigsaw activity

How To:

  1. Open the template, add your task instructions and modify the title to represent the task.
  2. Add the template to Google Classroom as an assignment with "Students can edit file" permissions. This will provide open access to every student within that Google Classroom to edit.
  3. Remember to Add a Topic to match the current topic of study so your students can easily refer to this assignment later during the grading period.
  4. Remember to have the students comment on each other's slides to provide feedback.

HINT: Groups may need more than 1 slide in order to complete their task. Students simply need to add another group slide then arrange it to be in line with their other slides.

Extra HINT: Remind students to mark as done when they have completed their slide AND completed all of their feedback comments.