Transparent Business Company (googleader)

YOU are the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of YOUR life (NO ONE is going to lead you by the hand or hair to MAKE YOUR LIFE 'BETTER' or ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOAL(s) in life for YOU). Everyone is BUSY looking after themselves (self-driven or not) .

GHAIN Ltd - Global Human Artificial Intelligence Network Limited

biology: XX = XY, female = male, so xx = you or xy = you, z = where you live on earth

xx or xy + z = GHAIN Investments Ltd

I am a 'POORx' Canadian farmer that only plants seeds in the most fertile earth this planet has to offer ... YOUR mind. ... take it or leave it ... once the SEED is planted only YOUR imagination (or lack there of) can stop YOU from seeing 'What is coming in 2020, 2021, 2022 ... etc.' ... ;-)