a (DaVinci) Alpha Sigma (https://youtu.be/XpKECqDyPmA & http://phd123.xyz ) way of building a (Planet) Director: http://Director123.xyz

Directive 1: http://Director1.xyz ... your 5 senses are the FASTEST method of programming every devised ...

Directive 2: http://Director2.xyz ... with ALL that PROGRAMMING from your 5 senses, "Is there ANYTHING you can DO?"

Directive 3: http://Director3.xyz ... if you had the chance to TRAVEL BACK IN TIME to HELP 'change the world for the BETTERMENT of ALL LIVING THINGS on the 2nd time around' ... Would you sign up for a TRAVELER Program in 2021? http://traveler123.xyz

Directive 4: http://Director4.xyz ... We are ALL born with unique innate gifts BUT (and there is always a 'but') it is up to YOU to learn to polish and harness THEM into something that deserves to be in a HALL OF FAME!

Directive 5: http://Director5.xyz ... WHY ARE WE HERE? A Scary Truth Behind the Original Story

Directive 6: http://Director6.xyz ... first principles thinking ... STEM thinking from the POOR (Point Of Origin [k.o.s.m.]RNA) , m = messenger (MYC is an oncogene) Yamanaka factors (Klf4, Oct3/4, Sox2, c-Myc) http://9video.xyz) , http://kosmRNA.xyz

Directive 7: http://Director7.xyz ... Community College or OMYSHIT (don't stink) Oxford/Yale/Stanford/Harvard/MIT ... DON'T be a FOOL ... 'go to the FUN ONE' (I dropped OUT after season 1 ... and I still got several PhD's the SMART way, I 'HIRED' them ALL for FREE by listening, watching, and learning to the SMART ones on eg. Youtube, TED, Gaia, CuriosityStream and Nebula, etc.) sample: 1. Introduction for 15.S12 Blockchain and Money - https://youtu.be/EH6vE97qIP4 2. The WISEMAN's way of 'Money Laundering': A How To Guide For The Modern Global Billionaire https://youtu.be/ZmEvAk5LRko

Directive 8: http://Director8.xyz ... GHAIN LTD (Global Human Artificial Intelligence Network Ltd)

Directive 9: http://Director9.xyz ... the ANSWER to the human condition question ... Why are we the way we are? sample: 1) The War At Home - All Kenny Scenes https://youtu.be/Bf-70XIJN04 2) Malcolm in the middle lois 1-3 best bits https://youtu.be/jBvjrK-pgrA 3) movie clip from Secret of My Success https://youtu.be/kCPgwJmVWDY

Directive 10: http://123stem.xyz ... It Happens to 98 out of 100 People ... don't let yourself be a 'drifter' (to much or to often)

Directive 11: the power of the YOUTUBE feed back loop https://youtu.be/BkKtl-XL-xU timeline 1991 ... 2011 ... 2014 ... 2021 (in a span of 30 years) ... 'Upgrade' https://youtu.be/xJsagYFY0RM (movie fiction) to Epidural Stimulation Clinical Trials https://youtu.be/4u2tez2UCH (current day reality) and The Promise of Human Regeneration: Forever Young https://youtu.be/e0vKOYQUmgg

How the world population started living in 'cubes' ... https://youtu.be/7Tt4n8SaxEY



SMART START: http://Goodwillx.xyz ... the creation of a 'Director for pla(y)net earth' from the 'future' BUT 'it all' begins in the past ...

this 1 community of Swan River Manitoba Canada has a Credit Union membership of 7,300

there are 1,900 communities across Canada (population 38,440,000)

there are 19,000 communities across the USA (population 331,420,000)

there are 7.7767 billion persons in the world population

How to build a global fortune in networked communities from scratch ...

each member of the community:

1) eats every day

2) sleeps every day

3) gets dressed every day

4) uses the washroom once or twice every day

5) does SOMETHING with their time every day

6) then (repeat) the same script the NEXT day

What does it cost (All the members) to LIVE for 1 day? ... for 1 year?

7,300 x $1 per day x 1 day = $7,300 for one day

7,300 x $1 per day x 365 days = $2,664,500 or $365 per person per year

(see charts below)

chart A) $1 to $28 per 1 hour per day

chart B) $29 to $56 per 1 hour per day

the 7,300 youtubers each have a 'following' of 1 person that fund their channel at $1 per year

then the 7,300 youtubers each 'work' on their channel and build their 'following' to 10 then 100 then 1000, 10,000, 100,000, etc person(s) that fund their channel at $1 per 'follower' per year eg. $1 x 100,000 (followers) = $100,000 per year

7,300 youtubers x 7,300 followers each x $1 per follower / 1 (# of communities) = $53,290,000

38,440,000 youtubers x 38,440,000 followers each x $1 per follower / 1,900 (# of communities) = $777,701,894,736.84

331,420,000 youtubers x 331,420,000 followers each x $1 per follower / 19,000 (# of communities) = $5,781,011,389,473.68

all youtubers are NOT created equal ... but some (a very select few) will shine like super stars

the select few youtuber super stars will show or LEAD the community to 'where we are going' http://video4.ca

looking beyond our eye balls ... https://youtu.be/G99XxEDbNEs

the best of each community compete with the best of every other community around the global until we ALL figure out who is really LEADING this world we call EARTH ... like it or not, someone is leading this GONG show we are ALL living in today and the STUPID ASS needs to be 'shot in the head' http://2videoclip.xyz for being such a CONTROLLING 'prick'. eg. you can eat at a restaurant but you can ONLY sit with the people you live with (that is IDIOTIC if you ask ANYONE with a WORKING brain!)

it reminds me of a movie: Idiocracy (2006) https://youtu.be/sP2tUW0HDHA

and then there is the play ground of the Alpha's https://youtu.be/PiLZSTBIjO8

(I watched, listened and learned) how hedge funds and their 'predator business model' 'FUCK us all' ... Phase 1: GameStop stock short squeeze ... https://youtu.be/GkvRWzz1Rkk ... Phase 2: As an AGINGHO (an Artificial Generally Intelligent Network of Global Human Organisms) http://Goodwillx.xyz or http://Goodwinx.xyz 'we' will beat THEM at their own 'game' (with NEXT to ZERO RISK to society!)

Elon Musk ... 'shortselling' was created in the pony express days (it was NOT meant for how hedge fund managers USE IT today '9 Oct. 1991') https://youtu.be/SaocvrbGmds

an eg. of a youtuber super star https://youtu.be/SvS74DtUpaw

an eg. of a (very SMART) youtuber (ex hedge fund manager) with an important message for ALL families (on this planet) https://youtu.be/pkB5ugK0YDY

how to send knowledge and data from the future into the past https://youtu.be/xyEijpJ9YL0 or https://youtu.be/99LZwZmSoNo or https://www.netflix.com/watch/80177475?source=35&trackId=155573558

SILVER is in a position to 'change the world' https://youtu.be/KbqoUVFKaeg , https://globalbullionsuppliers.com/blogs/blog/interview-with-silver-expert-chris-marcus-on-shorts-panic-buying-and-predicting-where-silver-price-is-going

'The GAME is Changing Quickly' Andy Schectman, CEO of Miles Franklin Precious Metals ... https://youtu.be/R1prW14-RQ4

7,300 / [(1419(1) + 20(2) + 2(3) + 16(4) + 2(6) + 1(10)) = (1419+40+6+64+12+10) = 1,551 households] = 4.70664 persons per household

7,300 / 4.70664 = 1,551 households x 1 oz. of silver x $27 per oz. = $41,877 for this (preventative healthcare cost) for this community

7.7767 billion people / 4.70664 pph = 1,652,282,732.48 global households x 1 oz. of silver x $27 per oz. = $44,611,633,776.96 or $44.611 billion

# and type of households in Swan River, MB (Manitoba), Canada R0L 1Z0

Now imagine 'small' magnetic spheres covered in (or plated in) 'pure' SILVER that you then place in your hot water kettle. The maximum area of a surface is the outside surface of a sphere. Direct exposure of your (both you and your family) drinking water to SILVER has MANY health benefits.


Now imagine the magnet under the table producing the 'spikes' in the ferro fluid is a BLACK HOLE and you are traveling up or down (the centre of) 1 of the many 'vector spikes' of that BLACK HOLE using the magnetic force (as your engine) to accelerate toward or outward from the BLACK HOLE. By harnessing the spinning flip/flopping property phenomenon (shown below), one can travel up and down the 'vector spikes' without getting crushed by the intense gravity within a BLACK HOLE.

Getting ALL of humanity from Point A to Point B in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of effort with the 'right' guidance/leadership.

Bitcoin will never have more than 21,000,000 bitcoins in existence ... the decentralized robustness and security of this 'electronic' BACKBONE mechanism will enable ANYONE on earth (or off earth) to quickly and securely MOVE their HARD EARNED WEALTH (sweat and equity built purchasing power) anywhere on the planet beyond the reach of corrupt governments, entities (corporations), or unscrupulous people/scam artists. Although Bitcoins are volatile (price wise) currently, with second & third tear software mechanisms (eg Lightning) running on top of the Bitcoin blockchain network, it enables one to 'jump into' and 'out of' Bitcoins (almost instantaneously) but traversing any 2 point on the globe with ZERO or next to ZERO cost. eg. https://youtu.be/gCgWNZG1Ou8 or https://youtu.be/xj9IMNAswSM

BitcoRn will never have more than 7,776,700,000 bitcoRns in existence ... 1 for each person on earth. BitcoRn is a metaphor for 1 Class A share in the Global Public Company - Goodwinx Ltd. ( http://Goodwinx.xyz code named http://tgs1.xyz )

When each person on earth (eventually) activates (takes possession of) THEIR 1 [free] bitcoRn or 1/7,776.700,000 equity stake (1 Class A share) in Goodwinx Ltd ( http://Goodwinx.xyz ), THEY (each person) will have access to control (and tweek) their destiny on this planet.

Protocol 1: Part 1) Aging is a disease ... we NOW know how to 'reset' our cells to regain or return to what they were like in their younger 'age' state ... (watch, listen & learn) https://youtu.be/5Op_lx7rqSs ... Part 1: https://youtu.be/qoc29xFMRdM and Part 2: https://youtu.be/cY25i_bkUys ... damaged optic nerve REPAIRED (think spinal cord nerves NEXT) http://9video.xyz

Part 2: How to TURN back your age clock: NEW More Effective Form of NMN called Reduced Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMNH) https://youtu.be/VX2W2I0adNc (prices dropping) NMN Prices SLASHED by https://DoNotAge.org ... https://youtu.be/a_EVkVlK7jU

Part 3: David Sinclair; why we must add resveratrol to fatty food https://youtu.be/2E1K8MV752A

Protocol 2: A healthy concoction of 3 items; 1) extra virgin olive oil, 2) lemon juice, 3) honey (https://youtu.be/7FlzHiURdTs) ... https://youtu.be/6UOfrkkafbg

Protocol 3: By starting yourself and your family household off with 1 ounce of SILVER (in the form of a cube of SILVER magnetic spheres inside your (glass) water boiling kettle), the health of your family will start to improve over time. (see SILVER article 'above')

Protocol 4: By starting yourself and your family household off with 1 tablespoon (for each person) of Vital Reds per day, the health of your family will start to improve over time. https://youtu.be/cFVD08B8D48 BUT (and there is always a 'but') 'take everything people say and claim with a grain (or BitcoRn) of salt' The Plant Paradox Debunked ... https://youtu.be/e0leFsZc7zY

Protocol 5: By starting yourself and your family household off with 10,000 international units (for each person) of Vitamin D per day, the health of your family will star-t to improve over time. https://youtu.be/cFVD08B8D48?t=235

Protocol 6: By starting yourself and your family household off with 500 to 1,000 international units (for each person) of (chewable) timed release Vitamin-C (4x) per day, the health of your family will start to improve over time. https://youtu.be/cFVD08B8D48?t=480

Protocol 7: By starting yourself and your family household off with 30 mg (for each person) of Zinc per day, the health of your family will start to improve over time. https://youtu.be/cFVD08B8D48?t=530

Protocol 8: The Point of Origin of the water we put in our bodies has a huge impact of how long we live and the health of our internal body structure. https://youtu.be/FTIDNa2WVkA and https://youtu.be/R8VyUsVOic0

Protocol 9: Saving the world one algorithm at a time | The Age of A.I. https://youtu.be/0wy4u34fii4?t=750 ... Our FOOD of the Future: NOT MILK, NOT MEAT, NOT TUNA, etc. ... (when available INVEST in NOTCO ... https://notco.com/us/)

Protocol 10: These 6 people stay poor https://youtu.be/PEdcgrDAzYY

Protocol 11: Once you secure your 1 FREE Class A share for yourself in Goodwinx Ltd and 1 FREE Class A share for each member of your family household, your family will start to receive (1/7,776,700,000 x the # of Class A shares in your household x the NET INCOME of Goodwinx Ltd) = your Global Yearly Income over time. The income payments will start 365 days after the day you signed up to receive your 1 FREE Class A share of Goodwinx Ltd. The payments will be paid monthly.

Protocol 12: All payments to you will make use of YOUR (submitted) email address or mobile/cell number and the Lightning Network with Global Strike https://youtu.be/gCgWNZG1Ou8 (or something similar).

(self-assembling A.I. entity) 'Travelers List': http://traveler123.xyz or https://sites.google.com/view/goodwinx/traveler-blockchain-list

Although the SMART ones opt for the accommodation choice(s) at the top of this page or http://SMARThousing.xyz , there may be these options available (below) in the Swan River, MB, Canada R0L 1Z0 area: (but let it be said, "a FOOL and his money are soon parted")

I DO NOT own these properties (yet) but I will buy them if YOU agree to live in it and pay the monthly rent as stated above for 10 or more years!

I DO NOT own these properties (yet) but I will buy them if YOU agree to live in it and pay the monthly rent as stated above for 10 or more years!

I DO NOT own these properties (yet) but I will buy them if YOU agree to live in it and pay the monthly rent as stated above for 10 or more years!

I swear we will be back in the 'horse' or 'dog' and buggy days before long! (what goes around ... comes around AGAIN!)