Ancestral meaning: Good - 'God', Win - 'friend', X - f(x) = 'function of x', Ltd - 'Limited Liability'

A Gaming Company of Gamer(s) (Oct. 09, 1991)

Goodwinx Ltd

Project Go(D)od(D)win(D)x(D)acy) - a (DaVinci)(homo sapiophile) G-Alpha G-Sigma Gamers Company

My University Grades:

S - Science - D

T - Technology - D

E - English - D (truly F was 'warranted' but 9 yrs old and still in Grade 1,2,3 ... makes the teachers LOOK 'incompetent')

M - Maths - D ...

CELL - mRNA to (All) Global Cells (gov, ISIS, jail, mitochondrion,DNA, etc.), m = messenger ...

Riddle: How do you GET 7.7767 billion people to WAKE UP and WATCH, LISTEN & LEARN to CLEAN UP after themselves ... this planet is DYING right before their eyes ... Or shall we 'all' STARVE TO DEATH with our 'eyes wide open'? Watch, listen & lean from the mycelium ...-

Riddle: How does a young 'G' man (24 yrs old) 'Time Traveler' from the future get 7.7767 billion humans (parasitic 'aliens', yes we are the destroyers of the planet's; self-assembling, self-replicating, self-managing, 'Mother Nature' mechanism) humanely OFF 'planet earth' without them knowing it ... to save the planet for future generations of ALL indigenous lifeforms currently inhabiting earth?

How did THEY eliminate the 'alien' infestation from the planet in the movie "Aliens"? "Nuke the site from orbit, it's the ONLY way to be sure!"

Answer: I thought the best way to send a message to the Global masses was through a (Global) mRNA virus (I called it the CORONA - 1991 virus to Wake Up their brain). I released it October 9, 1991. It took 14 days to kill my Grandmother. It has taken 29 years to bring this planet and its people to its knees.

Then you SELL them the solution. You get them to BUY themselves an ESCAPE ePOD and escape this rock . Wherever you live on planet earth, it's time to 'leave' this planet to the 'illegal' aliens. Wake up ... they have been growing all the food, weeding all the fields, picking all the vegetables, fruits and nuts, mowing all the lawns, cleaning all the houses, schools, businesses, doing all the jobs no one really 'loves' doing for years if not forever. If they ALL learn what it's like to sit in a Gaming chair or Eazy-boy chair or ESCAPE ePOD, and escape this material world for the digital world (think 'Ready Player One' movie but BETTER), this planet can repair itself back to the "Garden of Eden" or 'PARK LIKE PLACE' or 'Park Place' position it holds on the Monopoly Board right next to (the) Boardwalk and the GO (to space) ... (back to the Start and START OVER). (the best and most expensive property on earth)

Computer Science - (with a Apple Macintosh computer) - A+ (I am a Visual learner!)

I know I CANNOT be the ONLY 'G' Gamer in the Village (World) competing against a (DaVinci) Alpha ... ... 'god' it can be lonely at the Top or Bottom ... wherever this is!

PhD (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ...) Riddle: How does a young 'G' man (of 9 yrs old) GET '9' PhD's if he is 'dyslexic' or 'cixelsyd' and he cannot read or write?

Answer: He (watches, listens and learns from the SMART ones (1. Geniuses to 2. Idiots to 3. Idiot Savants to 4. PhDs) in movies, Youtube, TED, etc. and when he really needs a PhD he HIRES (1,2,3, ...) one or ALL of them! I finally learned to read and write (at 24 yrs old) reading porn and writing letters (see below). 29 years later (at 53 yrs old), I am definitely getting BETTER at playing 'the GAME'.

Riddle: How do you buy a BUSINESS ASSET way beyond 'your' budget? Jumbolair Park for Sale , for $10,500,000.00 (see letter below)

Answer: Borrow $10,500,000.00 from a Bank or Credit Union with a 'Business Loan Proposal' ... invest into the public company with a 'Special Placement' investment of $10,500,000.00 / 0.155 per share = 67,741,935.5 shares of . The current (public) share price is 0.328125 per share for . 67,741,935.5 shares x 0.328125 = $22,227,822.59 ... you then pay the Jumbolair Park owners their $10,500,000.00 sale price with 32,000,000 shares (32,000,000 x 0.328125 = $10,500,000.00) ... you keep (67,741,935.5 - 32,000,000 = ) 35,741,935.5 shares worth 0.328125 per share or $11,727,822.59 ... You now lease(rent) the property to TGS and get to setup Global TGS Competition(s) and Tournament(s) at the Jumbolair Park. (fly in & out) Gamers year round ... (1) charter 747 with 300 Gamers on it every day to the air park ... 300 x 7 = 2,100 x $100 per day (room/food/Game play = $210,000 per day x 7 days a week x 52 weeks a year = $76,440,000.00 revenue per year ... and that is only (1) venue ... think Glooobally ...

Hotel Industry Apocalypse: 7 Of 10 US Hotels Say They Will Be Out Of Business In Six Months!

Riddle: How do you buy (a bunch of Hotels) BUSINESS ASSET(s) way beyond 'your' budget?

Answer: You WAIT for them to ALL go bankrupt from an OVERBLOWN (flu like) mRNA virus (see above caption and below)

  • I am NOT a Doctor BUT … Top cardiologist Dr. Steven Gundry tells us ...

    • Our bodies are the Condo that houses the 380 trillion RNA viruses (and use our DNA mitochondria machinery ) to keep us living as long as they can. If we feed our (Condo) tenants what they need to thrive, they will keep us healthy and battle those things that try to harm or kill us.

Riddle: How do you feed the entire world population in a day, every day, 365 days a year?

Answer: If Dr. Gundry's 'Vital Reds' powdered (a variety of) fruits extracts is 'sweet' and a fructose substitute, even though 1 teaspoon amount costs $1 and each person on earth only needs 1 teaspoon per day to stay super healthy, can 1 company (with only 1 employee): Pfizer, Moderna , Goodwinx make a deal with Dr. Gundry and buy enough product from him or (copy cat) (SSPQ - Secure & Safe Pharmaceutical quality) manufactures around the world to supply everyone on earth with 1 teaspoon full per day, 365 days of the year? duh ... it's not rocket science ... but we can't ALL be Elon Musk or can we 'be' (with your imagination, you can be everyone or no one ... 'acting' like no one is easy but 'acting' like everyone is hard (or do I have that BACKWARDS like 'DaVinci')

Answer 2: As long as everyone gets their 1 teaspoon full per day, they can eat ANYTHING they want for the rest of THAT day. (tacos, chips, ice cream, candy,m cheese, wine, beer, perogies, etc) ... some PhD IDIOT labeled it 'junk food' and 'bad for you' and then the government IDIOTS (hey it's our 'NINA' or 'anin' for taxing FOOD) ... what's in a corn chip? corn ... is corn food? yes ... Why is the government taxing food? Is tax on food a SINTAX error?

  • I am NOT a pathologist BUT … Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta … also ‘Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.”’

  • Supporting data …

  • I am NOT a lawyer BUT … ‘Class Action’ lawyer’s take on COVID-19 …

  • Where did THE virus come from … what comes of ONE drop of mRNA

  • Where is the Covid-19 vaccine likely going to come from ...

Getting back on track with 'story' ...

then you buy them ALL for pennies on the dollar with (public) stock in . You then get to FILL every room with Gaming computers and Gamers (long term guests) (ok ... the Gamers live in the Hotels with room service food or dining/banquet rooms in the Hotels, showers/baths, maids house keeping, front door access to transportation, jobs, everything they could imagine THAT THEY want).

Riddle: How do you buy (a bunch of [empty] Houses ) BUSINESS ASSET(s) way beyond 'your' budget FOR THE HOMELESS in California?

Answer: Current (government owned) Sale price $35,800,000.00 ... well you buy it ALL with (public) stock in . You then get to FILL every house with HOMELESS people, Gaming computers and get them Gaming as Gamers (long term tenants/employees/guests!). It beats living in a 'tent' or 'cardboard box' in the streets of California!

A Global Network of Gamers and Global Gaming Competitions and Tournaments

Phase 2:

Riddle: How do you buy (a bunch of [empty] Military Bases around the Globe) BUSINESS ASSET(s) way beyond 'your' budget for Global GAMERS and Global Gaming Competiti-ons and Tournaments?

Answer: Current (Canadian government owned property for Sale) ... One item of interest ... Sale price $7,100,000.00 ... ... you contact the government person in power and buy it with (public) stock in . You then get to FILL the building with Gaming computers and Gamers computers and get them Gaming (long term tenants/employees/players/guests!). It beats living in at 'home' or 'in the basement' with/at mom and dad's place!

Phase 3:

Goodwinx Ltd a [soon to be] (Global) public company - (alias) a (Canadian) public company.

eg. 2 -

eg. 3 -

NOW HIRING Gamers (Globally) ... text (Your Name, Age and a private email address) to +1-204-281-3085 or fill out this online form: Sign me up as a Global Gamer-

Mission of the project

The mission is to get an ESCAPE ePOD (e = earth) into the hands of the most Gamer's (possible) before

the (Global) COMPETITIONS and TOURNAMENTS BEGIN ... October 10, 2021.

2021 Jan 18 Gamers Training and Trading Lounge.pdf
2021 Jan 06 Reg Ellingson intro to a Gaming Stadium.pdf
2021 Jan 07 fly-in residential park.pdf


Contact to get more information on the project