Goochland Ally
We believe that everyone in Goochland County Public Schools -
and in Goochland County deserves the opportunity to thrive.
Thriving means:
Accessing books that represent your experience - and other diverse experiences. Not fascist book banning.
Safely using the restroom that matches your gender identity like every other student - in accordance with the law. Not being falsely characterized as a danger.
Learning accurate history, even when it's uncomfortable. Not revisionism.
Supporting social emotional learning embedded into instruction so students can regulate emotions, build relationships with peers, and develop self-awareness. Not ignoring the challenges they face.
They are lying to you.
There are those that on our Board of Supervisors, on our School Board, and in our community that are lying to you for political gain. Their fringe crusade is not keeping children safe. It is endangering them.
We should ALL be alarmed at the attack on our students and politicization of education - at the national, state, and sadly even from within our own board. Our school board should be apolitical – and members must do what is right for the school system and our students. Our board of supervisors must be apolitical – members should do what is right for the county and not aim to weaken our schools.
We do NOT want to take resources away from high-quality instructional programming and supporting teachers and staff to fund pointless legal challenges to current law. This will harm students, weaken our schools, give our community a negative reputation, and cost more in taxes.