
Jesse H. Goldberg

Robert R. Capranica Fellow

Associate Professor

Neurobiology and Behavior

Cornell University




M.D, Ph.D.          Columbia University, Medicine and Neurobiology, May 2005

B.S.                     Haverford College, Biology, May 1997      

    Oxford University, Visiting student in biochemistry, 1995-1996





2022 Jan-Jun          Visiting Scientist, Mediterranean Institute for Neurobiology, INSERM, Marseille, FR

2019-present           Associate Professor and Robert R. Capranica Fellow, Cornell University

2012-2019              Assistant Professor, Cornell University

2005-2012               Post-doctoral associate, Michale Fee Lab, M.I.T.

1997-2005               Medical Scientist Training Program, Rafael Yuste Lab, Columbia University





2023-2026                           Pew Innovation Scholar

2022-2023                           New Frontiers Grant, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University

2017-2021                           Scientific Advisory Board, Dystonia Medical Research Foundation

2016                                Kavli Fellow

2015-2020                           NIH New Innovator

2014-2018                           Pew Biomedical Scholar

2014-2016                           NSF BRAIN EAGER Award

2013-2016                           Klingenstein Fellowship in the Neurosciences

2010-2015                           K99/R00 Career Development Award, NIH, NINDS

2009-2020                           Charles King Trust Fellowship

2006-2008                           Damon Runyon Postdoctoral Fellowship

2003                                Deans Award for best PhD thesis, Columbia University

1997                                    Phi Beta Kappa, Haverford College






2020-2025   NIH R01 (PI) Neural Mechanisms of Performance Evaluation During Motor Sequence Learning

2023-2025   Pew Innovation Fund (PI) Neural Mechanisms of Parental Care

2023-2028   NIH R01 (Co-PI) Mechanisms and functions of cortical activity to restore behavior.



2023-2023   NIH R34 (PI). Neural mechanisms of social communication in parrots

2021-2022   Cornell Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Integration (PI)

2021-2022   New Frontier Grant, Cornell College of Arts and Sciences (PI)

2018-2021   NIH UF1 (Co-PI). Advanced MOTEs: Injectable Microscale Optoelectronically Transduced Electrodes

2016-2017   NIH R21 (Co-PI). MOTES: Micro-scale Opto-electronically Transduced Electrode Sites

2018-2020   Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (PI). Machine learning guided deep brain stimulation for neurological disease

2015-2021   NIH R01 (PI). Neural Mechanisms of Performance Evaluation During Motor Sequence Learning     

2015-2021   NIH DP2 (PI). Identifying Pathways for Motor Variability in the Mammalian Brain

2014-2017   NSF BRAIN EAGER (Co-PI). Stretchable Graphene Transistors For High Signal, High Channel Count Neural Recording

2014-2016   Pew Biomedical Scholar (PI). Neural mechanisms of trial and error learning in songbirds

2013-2015   Klingenstein Fellowship (PI). Neural Circuits for Motor Exploration And Learning  



2024-2029   NIH R01 (PI). Neural Mechanisms of miss- and touch-guided sensorimotor corrections

2024-2034   Simons Collaboration on the Evolution of Social Cognition (Co-PI)

2024-2026   Brain Research Foundation (PI)




Goldberg Lab Member, Undergraduate#




Tejapratap Bollu, Samuel C. Whitehead, Nikil Prasad#, Jackson Walker#, Nitin Shyamkumar#, Raghav Subramaniam#, Brian Kardon, Itai Cohen, Jesse Goldberg. Motor cortical inactivation impairs corrective submovements in mice performing a hold-still center-out reach task. In revision at Journal of Neurophysiology and available here.


Malavika Ramarao#, Andrea Roeser, Caleb Jones, Jesse H. Goldberg. Songbird mesostriatal dopamine pathways are spatially segregated before the onset of vocal learning. In revision at PLOS One and posted at biorxiv.  


Zhilei Zhao, Han Kheng Teoh, Julie Carpenter, Frieda Nemon#, Brian Kardon, Itai Cohen, Jesse H. Goldberg. An anterior forebrain pathway in parrots is necessary for individual signatures of learned vocalizations. In revision at Current Biology and posted at biorxiv.


Caleb Jones and Jesse Goldberg. Auditory cortical error signals retune during songbird courtship. In revision at eLife and posted at biorxiv




38. Andrea Roeser*, Vikram3 Gadagkar*, Anindita Das, Pavel A. Puzerey, Brian Kardon and Jesse H. Goldberg. Dopaminergic signals for reward, performance and social outcomes are dynamically gated during courtship. Nature (cover article), 2023 Sep 27.


37. Zhao Z, Goldberg JH. Dopaminergic signals for improved parental behavior. Neuron. 2023 Feb 15;111(4):452-453


36. Jesse Goldberg. Book Chapter: Motor Thalamic Interactions with Brainstem and Basal Ganglia. Chapter 14, pages 269-283.In: The Thalamus, Michael M. Halassa, Editor. Cambridge University Press. 2022


35. Anindita Das and Jesse H. Goldberg. Songbird subthalamic neurons project to dopaminergic midbrain and exhibit singing-related activity. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2022 Feb 1;127(2):373-383.


34. Alison Duffy, Kenneth W. Latimer, Jesse H. Goldberg, Adrienne L. Fairhall, Vikram Gadagkar. Dopamine neurons evaluate natural fluctuations in performance quality. Cell Reports. 2022 Mar 29;38(13):110574.


33. Bollu T*, Ito B*, Whitehead SC, Kardon B, Liu MH#, Goldberg JH. Cortex-dependent corrections as the tongue reaches for and misses targets. Nature. 2021 Jun;594(7861):82-87.


32. Chen R, Gadagkar V, Roeser A, Puzerey P, Goldberg JH. Movement signaling in ventral pallidum and dopaminergic midbrain is gated by behavioral state in singing birds. J Neurophysiol. 2021 Jun 1;125(6):2219-2227. doi: 10.1152/jn.00110.2021.


31. Chen R and Goldberg JH. Actor-critic reinforcement learning in the songbird. Chen R, Goldberg JH. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2020 Sep 5;65:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2020.08.005.


30. Sheehan MJ, Goldberg JH. Animal Behavior: Socially Distanced Wasps Learn About Rivals. Current Biology. 2020 Aug 3;30(15):


29. Chen R, Puzerey P, Roeser A, Riccelli T#, Podury A#, Maher K#, Farhang A#, Goldberg JH. Songbird ventral pallidum sends diverse performance error signals to dopaminergic midbrain. Neuron. 2019 May 11. 6273(19)30395-2.


28. Bollu T, Whitehead SC, Prasad N#, Walker JR#, Shyamkumar N#, Subramaniam R#, Kardon BM, Cohen I, Goldberg JH. Automated homecage training of mice in a hold-still center-out reach task. J Neurophysiol. 2019 Feb 1;121(2):500-512.


27. Chen R, Bollu T, Goldberg JH. A stable neural code for birdsong. Neuron (Preview). 2018 Jun 27;98(6):1057-1059


26. Puzerey P, Maher K#, Chen R, Prasad N#, Goldberg JH. Vocal learning in songbirds requires cholinergic signaling in a motor cortex-like nucleus. J Neurophysiol. 2018 Oct 1;120(4):1796-1806.


25. Murdoch D, Chen R, Goldberg JH. Place preference and vocal learning rely on distinct reinforcers in songbirds. Scientific Reports. 2018 Apr 30;8(1):6766.


24. Gadagkar V, Puzerey P, Chen R, Baird-Daniel E#, Farhang A#, Goldberg JH. Dopamine neurons encode performance error in singing birds. Science. 2016 Dec 9;354(6317):1278-1282.


23. Pidoux M, Bollu T, Riccelli T#, Goldberg JH. Origins of basal ganglia output signals in singing juvenile birds. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2015 Feb 1;113(3):843-5.


22. Gadagkar V and Goldberg JH. A Variability-Generating Circuit Goes Awry in a Songbird Model of the FOXP2 Speech Disorder. Neuron. 2013 Dec 18;80(6):1341-44.


21. Goldberg JH, Farries MA and Fee MS. Basal ganglia output to the thalamus: still a paradox.

Trends Neurosci. 2013 Dec;36(12):695-705.


20. Goldberg JH, Farries MA and Fee MS. Integration of cortical and pallidal inputs in the basal ganglia-recipient thalamus of singing birds. Journal of Neurophysiology 2012 Sep;108(5):1403-29.


19. Goldberg JH and Fee MS. A cortical motor nucleus drives the basal ganglia-recipient thalamus in singing birds. Nature Neuroscience. 2012 Feb 12;15(4):620-7.


18. Fee MS and Goldberg JH. A hypothesis for basal ganglia dependent reinforcement learning in the songbird. Neuroscience. 2011 Dec 15;198:152-70.


17. Aronov D, Veit L, Goldberg JH, Fee MS. Two distinct modes of forebrain circuit dynamics underlie temporal patterning in the vocalizations of young songbirds. Journal of Neuroscience. 2011 Nov 9;31(45): 16353-68


16. Goldberg JH and Fee MS. Vocal babbling in songbirds requires the basal ganglia-recipient motor thalamus. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2011 Jun;105(6):2729-39.


15. Ölveczky BP, Otchy T, Goldberg JH, Aronov D, Fee MS. Changes in the neural control of a complex motor sequence during learning. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2011 Jul;106(1):386-97.


14. Goldberg JH, Adler A, Bergman H, and Fee MS. Singing related neural activity distinguishes two classes of putative pallidal neuron in the songbird basal ganglia: Comparison to the primate internal and external pallidal segments. Journal of Neuroscience. 2010 May 19;30(20):7088-98


13. Goldberg JH and Fee MS. Singing related neural activity distinguishes four classes of putative striatal neuron in the songbird basal ganglia. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2010 Apr;103(4):2002-14.


12. Petilla Cortical Interneuron Nomenclature Group. Petilla terminology: nomenclature of features of GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortex. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2008 Jul;9(7):557-68.


11. Skeberdis V, Chevaleyre V, Suadicani SO, Goldberg JH, Bennett MVL, Yuste R, Castillo PE and Zukin RS. Protein kinase A promotes LTP induction by increasing calcium permeability of NMDA receptors in dendritic spines. Nature Neuroscience, 2006 Apr 9(4) 501-510.


10. Goldberg JH and Yuste R.  Space Matters: Local and global dendritic calcium comparmentalization in cortical interneurons. Trends in Neurosciences. 2005 28: 158-167.


9. Goldberg JH, Lacefield CO, Yuste R.  Global dendritic calcium spikes in mouse layer 5 low-threshold spiking (LTS) interneurones: implications for control of pyramidal bursting.  Journal of Physiology. 2004 Jul 15;558(Pt 2):465-78.


8. Goldberg JH, Tamas G, Aronov D, Yuste R. Calcium microdomains in aspiny dendrites.  Neuron (Cover article). 2003 Nov 13;40(4):807-21.


7. Goldberg JH, Tamas G, Yuste R.  Ca2+ imaging of mouse neocortical interneuron dendrites: Ia-type K+ channels control action potential backpropagation. Journal of Physiology (Previewed article). 2003 Aug 15;551:49-65.


6. Goldberg JH, Yuste R, Tamas G. Ca2+ imaging of mouse neocortical interneuron dendrites: Contribution of Ca2+-permeable AMPA and NMDA receptors to subthreshold Ca2+dynamics. Journal of Physiology (Previewed article). 2003 Aug 15;551:67-78.


5. Goldberg J, Holthoff K, Yuste R. A Problem with Hebb and local spikes. Trends in Neurosciences. 2002 Sep; 25(9): 433-5.


4. Hirase H, Nikolenko V, Goldberg JH, Yuste R. Multiphoton stimulation of neurons.  Journal of Neurobiology. 2002 Jun 5; 51(3):237-47.


3. Tashiro A, Goldberg J, Yuste R. Calcium oscillations in neocortical astrocytes under epileptiform conditions. Journal of Neurobiology. 2002 Jan;50(1):45-55


2. Badea T, Tashiro A, Goldberg J, Mao B, Yuste R. Imaging epileptiform events in juvenile neocortical slices with single cell resolution.  Journal of Neurobiology. 2001 Sep 5;48(3):215-27.


1. Cavallaro S, Meiri N, Yi C, Musco S, Ma W, Goldberg JH, Alkon DL.  Late memory-related genes in the hippocampus revealed by RNA fingerprinting, PNAS 94 (1999): 9669-9673.






Zhilei Zhao          2021-present, Klarman Fellow

Anindita Das          2017-2020

Vikram Gadagkar    2013-2019, Simons Fellow, K99/R00 Awardee, Gruber Prize

Pavel Puzerey        2014-2018, NIH F32 Fellow

Morgane Pidoux     2013-2015



Teja Bollu                NBB, Cornell           2013-2020

Ruidong Chen         NBB, Cornell           2015-2021

Andrea Roeser        NBB, Cornell           2017-2023              

Brendan Ito             NBB, Cornell           2018-expected 2024

Xu (Heidi) Huang    NBB, Cornell           2019-expected 2024          

Yongui (Jason) Gao   NBB, Cornell           2020-expected 2025

Caleb Jones         BME, Cornell           2020-expected 2024

Lizemarie Cirone    NBB, Cornell           2022-

Mira Vanchiswar     NBB, Cornell           2023-



Anna Gruzdeva (Yapici Lab, Cornell NBB), Edward Szoka (Molnar lab, Cornell ECE), Shahab Ghajari (Molnar lab, Cornell ECE), Alynda Wood (Emory, Sober lab), Zena Casteel (NBB, Webster), Akash Guru (NBB, Warden lab), Sam Whitehead (Cornell Physics, Cohen lab), Han Keng Teoh (Cornell Physics, Cohen lab), Chunyan Wu (Cornell Engineering Physics, Xu lab), Artem Bolshakov (Cornell ECE, Sabuncu lab), Changwoo Seo (NBB, Warden); Ryan Post (NBB, Warden), Jaeeon Lee (Harvard, Sabatini lab), Uisub Shin (Cornell ECE, Molnar Lab), Alynda Wood (Emory, Sober Lab).



(*Honors Thesis in my lab; # co-author on published paper)


Class of 2025          Frieda Nemon#,*

Class of 2024:         Ash Ashok*

Class of 2023:         Malavika Ramarao#,*

Class of 2021:         Treasure Nwokoleme#,*, Haashim Shah, Eugene Kim*;

Class of 2020:         Mei Hong Lui#,*, Katerina Sadov;

Class of 2019:         Archana Podury#,*, Nigel Kravatz;

Class of 2018:         Kamal Maher#,*, Vidya Ramesh;

Class of 2017:         Nitin Shyamkumar#, Nikil Prasad#,*;

Class of 2016:         Tori Riccelli#,*, Alexander Farhang#,*, Jieying Wu*;

Class of 2015:         Eliza Baird-Daniel#,*, Eric Gao, Raghav Subramaniam#





2023            Rockefeller University, Price Family Center for the Social Brain, NY, NY

2023            Case Western Reserve, Dept Biology, Cleveland, OH

2023            European Birdsong Meeting, Sardinia, Italy

2023            NYU,  Department of Neuroscience, NY, NY 

2022            CSHL Seminar Series, Cold Spring Harbor, NY

2022         Jackson Labs, Machine Learning quantification of animal behavior Workshop, Bar Harbor, ME

2022         Paris Saclay Institute of Neurosience, Paris, FR

2022            Université Paris Nanterre, Paris, FR

2022         European Birdsong Meeting, Sardinia, Italy

2022            Southern Denmark University, Dept.of Biology, Odense, Denmark

2022            Mediterranean Institute of Neuroscience, Marseille, FR

2022            CSHL Neural Circuits Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, NY

2020            Brandeis University, Neuroscience Seminar Series (Zoom)

2020            VIDA Virtual Dopamine, Zoom talk

2020            Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

2020            Google DeepMind, London, UK

2020            University College London, Sainsbury Wellcome Center for Neural Circuits, UK

2019            James S. McDonnell Foundation, Neuromodulation Workshop, Tarrytown, NY 

2019            University of Pennsylvania, MindCORE Seminar Series, Philadelphia, PA

2019            Gordon Conference on Catecholamines, Sunday River, ME

2019            University of Tokyo, Dept Biology, Hongyo Campus, Tokyo, Japan

2019            University of Tokyo Medical School, Tokyo, Japan

2019            Okinawa Institute of Technology, Okinawa, Japan

2019            Gordon Conference on Neural Circuits and Behavior, Les Diablerets, SZ

2019            NIH BRAIN Initiative meeting, Rockville, MD

2019            Champalimaud Institute for the Unknown, Lisbon, PT

2019            DMRF Annual meeting, Houston, TX

2019            Boston University, Dept Neuroscience, Boston, MA

2018            Baylor School of Medicine, Dept Neuroscience, Houston, TX

2018            Annual Birdsong and Animal Communication Meeting, Millbrook, NY

2018            University of Toronto Medical School, Keynote Speaker, Dept Psychiatry

2018            HHMI Janelia Farm, Dexterous Control of Movement

2018            Duke University, Dept of Neurobiology, Durham, NC

2018            Dystonia Medical Research Foundation Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX

2017            University of California San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, CA

2017            UCSD, Computational Biology, San Diego, CA

2017            MIT, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Cambridge, MA

2017            Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA

2017            Harvard Medical School Dept. Neurobiology, Boston, MA

2017            Emory University, Atlanta, GA

2017            Rockefeller University, New York, NY

2017            HHMI Janelia Farm, Mushroom Body Meeting, Ashburn, VA

2017            Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting, Snowbird, UT

2017            Dystonia Medical Research Foundation Meeting (Keynote), Phoenix, AZ

2017            Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT

2016            Arab American Frontiers of Science, Abu Dhabi, UAE

2016            Society for Neuroscience, Minisymposium on Vocal learning, San Diego, CA 

2016            Cornell University, Mong Neurotech Symposium, Ithaca NY

2016            CSHL Neuroscience Seminar Series, Cold Spring Harbor, NY

2016            Klingenstein Annual Meeting, NY, NY

2016            German-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, Berlin, Germany

2016            HHMI Janelia Farm, Central Complex IV, Ashburn, VA

2015            Collaborative Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Plenary Speaker, Seattle, WA

2015            Meinig Sympoisum, Dept of biomedical engineering (Cornell)

2015            Electron Devices Society talk, Dept ECE, Cornell

2015            HHMI Janelia Farm, Thalamus and corticothalamic interactions (Meeting organizer)

2015            Klingenstein Annual Meeting, New York, NY

2015            Pew Scholars Annual Meeting, Vieques, Puerto Rico

2015            Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT

2014            Computational Neurosciences Meeting, Quebec City

2014            University of Pittsburgh Dept of Neuroscience, Pittsburgh, PA

2013            Conference on Neurobiology of Action, Stresa, Italy

2013            Janelia Farm Workshop on Motor Efference Copy, Ashburn, VA

2013            Dept of Neurobiology, Weizman Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel






Society for Neuroscience (SFN)

International Basal Ganglia Society

Committee on Animal Research (CAR), SFN

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation



NSF, Israel Science Foundation, NIH, NIH Brain Initiative, Wellcome Trust DBT India Alliance Fellowship, Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, Human Frontiers Science Program



Board of reviewing editors, eLife



Science, Nature, Cell, Neuron, Nature Neuroscience, Cell Reports, Journal of Neurophysiology, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Physiology, eLife, Royal Proceedings B, Brain and Behavioral Sciences, PLOS Biology, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Current Biology





2023-ongoing          Co-Director, Cornell Radical Collaboration for Artificial Intelligence

2023                 Speaker, Founders’ Circle Recognition Dinner

2023                 Chair, NBB Faculty Search committee for new Chair

2023                 Co-Chair, Computational Biology Faculty Search committee

2023                 Co-director, Cornell AI Initiative

2023                 Faculty affiliate, T32 Program in AI and Precision Nutrition

2023                 Associate Director, Cornell University AI for Science Institute

2022                 Mitzi Sutton Russekoff Lecturer, Cornell Club, NYC

2022                 Steering Committee, Cornell AI initiative

2021                 Organizer, Cornell symposium bridging AI and Neuroscience

2021-2022           Chair, Neuro/AI faculty search committee

2021-ongoing          Member, Cornell Initiative on Artificial Intelligence

2020-ongoing,        Director of Graduate Studies

2012-2022           Graduate Executive Committee, Dept Neurobiology and Behavior

2013-ongoing         Faculty search committee, Dept Neurobiology and Behavior

2015-ongoing         Member, Cornell Neurotech advisory board

2018-ongoing          College of Arts & Sciences Ad Hoc Committee on a Cognitive Science Major

2018-2020,              AS1102 Freshman Advising

2017                        Member, Provost's Internal Review of the Social Sciences

2016-ongoing          Faculty Advisor, Men’s lightweight rowing team

2015, Lab sponsor  Leadership Program for Veterinary Scholars

2013-ongoing,         Faculty Fellow, Hans Bethe House





BIONB 7210 Introductory Graduate Survey in Neurobiology and Behavior

BIONB 2220 Introduction to Neurobiology

BIONB 4320 Neural Circuits for Motor Control

BIONB 4200 Microcircuits of the Neocortex

BIONB 4200 Neuroethology