
December 2023

I really like Mark Humphries writing and am really honored that Andrea and Vikram's discoveries about dynamic tuning of social dopmaine signals made his 'best-of' list for 202

November 2023

July 2023

Jesse joins Sarah Kreps and Bart Selman on the AI  unbound panel to discuss promises of Intelligent Tech. Link here

Jesse discusses Andrea and Vikram's Nature paper with the Cornell Podcast. Link here

June 2023

Congrats to Jason for crushing his A exam! 

February 2023

Zhilei's preview on Dopaminergic signals for improved parental care - covering work form the Shea lab at CSHL - appears in Neuron (pdf). 

June 2022

Jesse appears on the Animal Behavior Podcast. 

March 2022

Vikram's collaboration with Alison Duffy and Adrienne Fairhall on dopaminergic evaluation of birdsong is published in Cell Reports. 

February 2022

Anindita's discovery that the subthalamic nucleus is part of the song evaluation system is published in Journal of Neurophysiology.

June 2021

Our work imaging the mouse tongue in action is published in Nature.

November 2020

Brendan Ito passes his A exam. Congrats Master Ito!

July 2020

Ruidong defended his thesis to a packed zoom audience! Ruidong is headed to MIT to take a deep dive into RNNs with Mehrdad Jazayeri

May 2020

Jesse' talk, "Male songbirds turn off their self evaluation system when they perform for females," at VIDA virtual dopamine conference.

Watch talk online here

March 2020

Teja defended his thesis with plenty of slow-mo videos of mice reaching and licking. Congrats Teja! He's off to the Salk Institute to learn some genetic tricks with Martyn Goulding

October 2019

After an amazing visit to Penn I was honored to be interviewed by the MindCore team.

July 2019

Ruidong and Andrea in a video at Neuron 

July 2019

Vikram Gadagkar, the lab's first postdoc, accepts a facutly position at the Zuckerman Institute at Columbia University. 

May 2019

Andrea crushes her A exam!

Brendan is awarded a GFRP award from the NSF. 

Congrats to Ruidong, Pavel, Andrea, Tori, Archana, Kamal, and Alex for their Neuron paper, “Songbird ventral pallidum sends diverse performance error signals to dopaminergic midbrain.”

January 2019

Ruidong is headed to Woods Hole this summer for a  Grass Fellowship. He will work on “Fast escape behavior and its neural basis in the octopus.” 

November 2018

Congrats to Vikram for receiving the prestigious Peter and Patricia Gruber International Research Award from the Society for Neuroscience.

July 2018

Congrats to Pavel, Kamal, and Nikil for their paper, “Vocal Learning in songbirds requires cholinergic signaling in a motor cortex-like nucleus,” published in Journal of Neurophysiology.

April 2018

Congrats to Don and Ruidong for their paper, “Place preference and vocal learning rely on distinct reinforcers in songbirds,” published in Scientific Reports.

March 2018

The Goldberg Lab receives a grant for dystonia research.

February 2018

Congrats to Ruidong for receiving the FENS, IBRO-PERC and The Brain Prize stipend for participation in the Brain Conference on Computational Neuroscience of Prediction.

August 2017

Congrats to Ruidong for being selected to the Junior Scientist Workshop on Neural Circuits and Behavior at Janelia.

July 2017

Congrats to candidate Ruidong on crushing his A exam.

June 2017

Congrats to Vikram on his K99/R00 grant, “How is Performance Evaluation Encoded in the Brain?” awarded by NIH.

August 2016

Congrats to Pavel on his NRSA grant, “Identifying the roles of the basal forebrain cholinergic system in motor sequence learning,” awarded by NIH.

December, 2016

Congrats to Vikram, Pavel, Ruidong, Alex and Eliza for their Science paper, “Dopamine neurons encode performance error in singing birds.”

Here is some coverage of the paper in the popular press:

March 2016

Congrats to Vikram on his Simons Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship!

Congrats to Master Teja on crushing his A exam.

September 2015

The Goldberg lab receives NIH DP2 New Innovator Funding, for the proposal "Identifying pathways for motor variability in the mammalian brain"...Do you know where your LMAN is?

The Goldberg lab receives NIH R01 support for the proposal, "Neural mechanisms of performance evaluation during motor sequence learning"...When you hit the right note during piano practice it feels rewarding, right? But does it activate dopamine the same way that primary rewards like food and juice do?

March 2015

Vikram is selected to give a talk at Cosyne 2015!

February 2015

Our first research paper is published!

Origins of basal ganglia output signals in singing juvenile birds. J Neurophysiol. 2015 Feb 1;113(3):843-55.

January 2015

New postdoctoral fellow Pavel Puzerey joins the lab! Welcome Pavel.

August 2014

The Goldberg lab gets BRAIN funding! Thank you President Obama. Together with Paul McEuen (Cornell University Applied Physics) and Ethan Minot (Oregon State University) the Goldberg lab received NSF BRAIN support. The project, titled, "Stretchable Graphene Transistors for High Signal, High Channel Count Neural Recording," will attempt to leverage recent advances in graphene nanofabrication to develop a new electrode-tissue interface.

June, 2014

Jesse is named a Pew Biomedical Scholar!

We have finally decided to use single board RIOs from National Instruments to run our mouse training system. Eight joystick-endowed homecages per acquisition computer. Thanks Jeff Steele from NI for your advice!

May, 2014

Teja discovers that mice can learn a center-out joysticks task in computer controlled home cages.

December, 2013

Neuron publishes our preview of Rich Mooney and Constance Scharff’s amazing finding that disruption of the human-language associated gene FoxP2 leads to a pathological increase in vocal variability … in songbirds!  

September, 2013

Teja joins the lab as a graduate student. Movin’ on up!

May, 2013

Jesse is named a Klingenstein Fellow in the Neurosciences!

April, 2013

Our first neuron in a singing bird. Ok, NOW the lab is open for business!

February, 2013

Vikram puts his graduate work on quantum states of liquid Helium behind him and joins the lab as its first postdoc.  

January, 2013

Lab renovations are complete!  Time to unpack some boxes.

September, 2012

Welcome Tejapratrap Bollu. The first member of the lab. As technician, he is using his mad engineering skills to click ‘purchase’ tabs on a bunch of websites.

September, 2012

Arrival at Cornell University. What to do while the lab space is renovated? Maybe I’ll teach Neural Circuits for Motor Control in Health and Disease NB4320.