Ultimate Printer: Print Queue, Print Job, Error Stuck, Status Monitor repair report WMI HTML Email

Ultimate Printer: Print Queue, Print Job, Error Stuck, Status Monitor repair report WMI HTML Email

Run this script every few minutes and your worries with stuck printer jobs will be virtually over.

The script also generates a web page the Field techs can use to see if a printer is out of paper

in error status, etc (Status types below). Any actions the script takes are recorded in the log

including all the information you will every need about the print job.

Things to do to make this work:

Edit webfile directory to be your web directory of choice

Edit logfile directory

Edit myservers list to reflect the servers in your company


#Detect Clean Log Email printers and jobs.


$webfile = "c:\svr\www\printers\index.php"

$mylog = ("c:\svr\logs\scripts\monitorprinterqueues_" + (Get-Date).month + (Get-Date).day + (Get-Date).year + ".log")

if ((Test-Path $mylog ) -ne $true) {#check for new log

$myheader = "datetime*owner*jobstatus*queuestatus*totalpages*size*server*queue*document"

$myheader| out-file -FilePath $mylog -append -noclobber

}#check for new log

function mystatus ($thisstatus) {

switch ($thisstatus) {

"0" { $mytext = "Ok" }

"1" { $mytext = "Other" }

"2" { $mytext = "No Error" }

"3" { $mytext = "Low Paper" }

"4" { $mytext = "No Paper" }

"5" { $mytext = "Low Toner" }

"6" { $mytext = "No Toner" }

"7" { $mytext = "Door Open" }

"8" { $mytext = "Jammed" }

"9" { $mytext = "Service Requested" }

"10" { $mytext = "Output Bin Full" }

"11" { $mytext = "Paper Problem" }

"12" { $mytext = "Cannot Print Page" }

"13" { $mytext = "User Intervention Required" }

"14" { $mytext = "Out of Memory" }

"15" { $mytext = "Server Unknown" }

default {$mytext = "Error (D)" }


return ($mytext)



$myservers = @()

$myservers = ("printserver1.domain.local","printserver2.domain.local","printserver3.domain.local","printserver4.domain.local")


Remove-Item ($webfile)

$head = "<style>"

$head = $head + "BODY{background-color:#9FAEB5;}"

$head = $head + "TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}"

$head = $head + "TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 0px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:#999999}"

$head = $head + "TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 0px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:#CCCCCC}"

$head = $head + "</style>"

foreach ($thisserver in $myservers) {

$prnstats = get-wmiobject -class "Win32_Printer" -namespace "root\CIMV2" -computername $thisserver

$printserver = get-wmiobject "Win32_PrintJob" -computername $thisserver | where { ($_.jobstatus -ne $null) -and ($_.jobstatus -ne "") -and ($_.jobstatus -ne "Printing") -and ($_.jobstatus -ne "Spooling") -and ($_.jobstatus -ne "Spooling | Printing") }

if ((Test-Path -Path $webfile) -ne $true) {#writehead top

$prnstats | select Name, Systemname, @{Name="DetectedErrorState";Expression={mystatus $_.DetectedErrorState }}, Location | ConvertTo-HTML -head $head -body "<H2>Printer Status Site</H2>" | Out-File $webfile

} else {

$prnstats | select Name, Systemname, @{Name="DetectedErrorState";Expression={mystatus $_.DetectedErrorState }}, Location | ConvertTo-HTML | Out-File $webfile -Append


foreach ($printjob in $printserver) {

if (($printjob.Jobstatus -ne $null) -and ($printjob.Jobstatus -ne "")){

switch ($printjob.Jobstatus) {

default {

$prn = $prnstats | where { $_.name -eq ("" + $printjob.Name.split(',')[0]) }

$thisstr = "" + $printjob.TimeSubmitted + "*" + $printjob.Owner + "*" + $printjob.JobStatus + "*" + (mystatus $prn.DetectedErrorState) + "*" + $printjob.TotalPages + "*" + $printjob.Size + "*" + $thisserver + "*" + $printjob.Name + "*" + $printjob.Document

$thisstr | out-file -FilePath $mylog -append -noclobber


}#end default

}#end switch

}#end if

#$printjob = $null


$printserver = $null

#$printjob = $null
