365 Cloud / Remote User to On Site / Premises Migration GUID Error

When attempting to migrate a user created with the hybrid configuration with the mailbox in the cloud / remote

back to the on site / premises exchange system, you receive an error that it cannot find the GUID of the user.

Sample Error:

MigrationPermanentException: Cannot find a recipient that has mailbox GUID 'bdc36774-dd81-447a-821b-ffd666bd8c59'.

--] Cannot find a recipient that has mailbox GUID ‎'bdc36774-dd81-447a-821b-ffd666bd8c59'

Running the following will show the mismatched id's.


On Site Exchange Shell:

Get-RemoteMailbox -Identity <user@domain.com> | fl *guid*

Cloud Azure Shell to Exchange:

Get-mailbox <user@domain.com> | fl *guid*

As it was not same on the Exchange ran the below command which resolved the issue:

On Site Exchange Shell:

Set-RemoteMailbox -Identity <user@domain.com> -ExchangeGuid ‎'bdc36774-dd81-447a-821b-ffd666bd8c59'