Task Scheduler Runner with email(s)

Description soon

# This script run and logs others, used as a launcher
function log_entry ($logwhat,$logstr){
    [string]$thisstr = "Now:" + ( Get-Date ) + " : Running script job " + $logwhat + " : " + $logstr
    $thisstr | out-file $mylogfile -append -noclobber
} #End log entry
function do_mail ([string]$mytext) {
    $mymail = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("mailrelay.domain.com") #Dns name or IP
    $attach = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($mylogfile)
    $mymail.From = "Scriptlogger@domain.com"
    $mymail.Subject = ("SCRIPTSVR001: " + $runthis + " " + $mytext)
    $mymail.Body = $mytext
} #do_mail
$runthis = $args[0]
$scriptspath = "c:\Scripts"
$scriptslog = "c:\logs\scripts"
[string]$mylogfile = $scriptslog + "\" + $runthis + ".log"
try {
    log_entry ($runthis," Begining script execution.")
    powershell ($scriptspath + "\" + $runthis) 2>&1 >> ($mylogfile)
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
        log_entry ($runthis," Script execution completed successfully.")
        do_mail ("Script execution completed successfully.")
    } #if
    else {
        log_entry ($runthis," Script execution has failed.")
        do_mail ("Script execution has failed.")
        exit 3
    } #else
catch {
    log_entry ($runthis,(" Script execution has failed to begin error:" + $_ ))
    do_mail ((" Script execution has failed to begin error:" + $_ ))
    exit 4
#exit success
exit 0