First-Author, Second-Author, and Student-Led Publications (Journal)
Coming soon!
2020 - Transmission spectroscopy and Rossiter-McLaughlin measurements of the young Neptune orbiting AU Mic (A&A, submitted)
2020 - A Warm sub-Saturn on a Moderately Eccentric Orbit Around an Evolved F-type Star (MNRAS, submitted)
2020 - An Unusual Transmission Spectrum for the Sub-Saturn KELT-11b Suggestive of a Sub-Solar Water Abundance (AAS, submitted)
2020 - The First Habitable Zone Earth-sized Planet from TESS. I: Validation of the TOI-700 System (AAS, submitted)
2020 - Spin-orbit Alignment and Magnetic Activity in the Young Planetary System AU Mic (A&A, submitted)
2020 - The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs (A&A, submitted)
2020 - Precise Mass and Radius of a Transiting Super-Earth Planet Orbiting the M Dwarf TOI-1235 (A&A, in press)
2020 - Joint Radial Velocity and Direct Imaging Planet Yield Calculations: I. Self-consistent Planet Populations (ApJ)
2020 - A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii (Nature)
2020 - Toward Complete Characterization: Prospects for Directly Imaging Transiting Exoplanets (AJ)
2019 - MINERVA-Australis I: Design, Commissioning, & First Photometric Results (PASP)
2019 - Precise Radial Velocities of Cool Low Mass Stars With iSHELL (AJ)
2019 - A Hot Saturn Orbiting an Oscillating Late Subgiant Discovered by TESS (AJ)
2019 - TESS Spots a Compact System of Super-Earths around the Naked-Eye Star HR 858 (ApJ)
2019 - First radial velocity results from the MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array (MINERVA) (PASP)
2018 - The First Post-Kepler Brightness Dips of KIC 8462852 (AJ)
2018 - The KELT Follow-up Network and Transit False-positive Catalog: Pre-vetted False Positives for TESS (AJ)
2016 - Radial Velocity Planet Detection Biases at the Stellar Rotational Period (MNRAS)
2016 - A High Precision Near-Infrared Survey for Radial Velocity Variable Low-mass Stars Using CSHELL and a Methane Gas Cell (ApJ)
2016 - Retrieval of Precise Radial Velocities from Near-Infrared High Resolution Spectra of Low Mass Stars (PASP)
2016 - Application of the Trend Filtering Algorithm for Photometric Time Series Data (PASP)
2016 - Photo-reverberation Mapping of a Protoplanetary Accretion Disk around a T Tauri Star (ApJ)
2015 - Radial Velocity Prospects Current and Future (NASA ExoPAG)
2015 - What is the Mass of Alpha Centauri B b? (ApJ)
2014 - Validation of Kepler Objects of Interest Stellar Parameters from Observed Transit Durations (PASP)
2014 - Periodic and Aperiodic Variability in the Molecular Cloud Rho Ophiuchus (ApJS)
2013 - Precision Near-infrared Radial Velocity Instrumentation I: Absorption Gas Cells (SPIE)
2013 - Precision Near-infrared Radial Velocity Instrumentation II: Non-Circular Core Fiber Scrambler (SPIE)
2013 - The Identification of 92.3 Day Periodic Photometric Variability For YSO YLW 16A (A&A)
2013 - Stars Don't Eat Their Young Migrating Planets - Empirical Constraints On Planet Migration Halting Mechanisms (ApJ)
2013 - Period Error Estimation for the Kepler Eclipsing Binary Catalog (AJ)
2013 - How can we use HPC platforms to help dig out new exoplanets? (ISGTW)
2012 - Design and Construction of Absorption Cells for Precision Radial Velocities in the K band using Methane Isotopologues (PASP)
2010 - Deep NIR Imaging of the Rho Oph Cloud Core (ApJ)
2010 - Young Stars in the Time Domain: A CS16 Splinter Summary (ApJ)
2009 - New Debris Disks Around Young, Low Mass Stars Discovered with the Spitzer Space Telescope (ApJ)
2008 - The Peculiar Periodic YSO WL 4 in Rho Ophiuchus (ApJL)
2008 - Near-IR Variability in the 2MASS Calibration Fields: A Search for Planetary Transit Candidates (ApJS)
2008 - A Spitzer Study of Debris Disks in the Young Nearby Cluster NGC 2232 (ApJ)
2006 - M Dwarf Planetary Systems (PhD Dissertation)
2005 - Where are the M Dwarf Disks Older Than 10 Million Years? (ApJ)
2004 - Globular Cluster Formation in M82 (ApJ)