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Double Rainbows in Tuscany 

 by Kay Millar Drummers and flag bearers in Siena

 From our terrace at Villa Tavolese on a ridge just west of Marcialla’s town square, we gazed over Tuscany’s Elsa Valley. We took in miles of grapevines, olive groves and cypress trees lining roadways. Everything was bathed in the golden glow of sunshine that has attracted so many painters and photographers. It was restful, peaceful, inspiring – and worth the lengthy flights from the United States. Our first evening’s pre-dinner gathering on this Alumni Campus Abroad in Chianti reunited me with classmate Mike Hollman (J63, KGSM65) and allowed our spouses, Marilyn and Dan, to get to know each other. Several subsequent connections with lovely new friends also enhanced the trip.

Every meal featured delicious cuisine. Fiorella, the villa’s cook, treated us to baked pears and apples and bear claw pastries for breakfast. Claudio, our maitre d’, served bottomless carafes of wine at dinner. My mouth waters still for the herbed and oiled vegetables fresh from the garden and the pastas dressed with tasty herb-and-sauce combinations.

Siena was a delight, a charming ancient town divided into 17 contrade (neighborhoods) whose territories are marked on the walls with flags, tiles and ceramic lamps bearing animal symbols. The contrade participate in an intense annual horse race, called the Palio. It is held on Il Campo, a round piazza in the town center, in the summer. As we walked through town, a large contingent of drummers and flag bearers marched into our presence. Boys and men, all ages, were attired in aqua-and-white-striped costumes of tights and belted and skirted overblouses.

To nuptial bliss we'll now aspire,

 And beauty's triumphs shew,

While beam our eyes with youthful fire,

 While yet our bosoms glow.

To Venus, and the winged Boy,

 We'll consecrate our lives ;

Chaste Nuns shall feel a double joy,

 As mothers and as wives.

Alas ! what a change in the clergy of late,

No more will they model, and govern the state ;

No moreh e'en the name of the people erase,

And elect to the crown by their own special grace ;

No more to a king in their loyalty turn,

And beg each hereticali monster to burn ;

From christian affection they'd torture his frame,

And inspire him with grace, and new life from the flame ;

A frog thus our curious Anatomists chop,

Lay bare his fine nerves, his elastic limbs lop,

Till he dies all convulsed in sad muscular strife,

Then they grant him a wond'rous reversion of life ;

By electrical sparks all his functions restore,

And the croaker soon vibrates, and jumps as before.

But still to the Priests of dear Albion I stray,

And passive obedience inspires the fond lay ;

Which they piously preach, while their hands they uplift,

Abjuring the tenets of PARR and of SWIFTl :

Those lights of the Church, how they gloriously shine,

While HORSLEY in Kings spies out somewhat divine !

As Ulysses inspir'd saw Gods in disguise,**

Tho' Asses and Owls in an Infidel's eyes ;

And hence on the Prelate, grace sheds a new light,

As a glass Achromatic illumines the night :

Celestial his ken, beyond dim reason's mark,

For a Priest like a cat can see best in the dark ;

This leads him of mystical secrets to tell,

As stars lost in the sky, may be found in a well.

What harassing duties their Lordships can bear,

While they vote as they're bid — or compose a fine pray'r !

Hear PORTEUS exclaim ; ***Could the envious but see,

Their heart-felt afflictions, they soon would agree,

That coaches, emoluments, titles, and plate,

Are but trifling douceurs to alleviate their state ;

While the dire apprehensions they scarcely can bear,

Lest the souls should be lost, they have had in their care ;

This mars all their pleasures, deprives them of rest,

And with dismal forebodings distresses their breast ;"

On the bench, for our sins, how the pious tear drops,

Where they nod like black Turkey-cocks hung with red chops.

Thro' the peasants, rebellion her venom has spread,

And the wholesome coercion of justice is fled ;

Uncontroll'd every farmer, nay cottager runs,

To range o'er the fields with his dogs and his guns :

And each ploughman exults, and triumphantly bears,

To his children and wife, the plump pheasants and hares ;

Tho' once if he dar'd thus to sport and to dally,

He had tug'd for his life in the king's royal galley :

O ne'er may such freedom in Britain prevail,

May the 'Squire still commit to the hulks, or the jail,

The felons, who dare e'en to throw a sly glance,

On a partridge or hare that's brought over from France.

And lest poachers should ever escape from his fury,

Imprison and whip, without judges or jury.

May our Lords and our Commons associate together,

And join in this cause like birds of a feather ;

To enforce the game laws, may they always assemble,

Informers to cherish, make yeomen to tremble.

Here the peasant affects to be chearful and blythe,

Tho' he works at no corve, nor pays any tythe ;

He's a Citizen call'd, by this title so fine,

He eats his own bread, and enjoys his own wine ;

And this maxim flagitious he ventures to broach,

That he'll now drive his cart, cheek by jowl with a coach ;

And as mortals are equal by nature and birth,

That we all have a claim to a slice of the earth.

Tho' Aristocrates their own purpose to serve,

Would surfeit and riot, when millions they starve.

Ah curs'd be such maxims, shall monarchy bow,

And man claim a right to the sweat of his brow ?

Shall thrones be revers'd by such apothegms scurvy

That our system will shake, till it's quite topsy turvy.

Still I mourn, and exclaim what disasters I see,

For pleasure is fled with all laughter and glee ;

Here the rough sons of Britain were taught the soft glance,

And imbib'd the allegiance, and maxims of France ;

To spurn the mere vulgar, to bow with some grace,

And beg at St. James's a title or place.

Now saucy viragoes triumphantly ride

With a belt o'er the shoulder, and sword by the side ;

Of Freedom and France with much sauciness prate,

And encourage their children to fight for the state ;

They all are be-soldier'd, no citizen's idle,

As some hold the musquet, and others the bridle

Clad in blue (without buff), but the poor tatter'd tyke,

Who can't purchase a gun, struts along with a pyke.

Postillions and Carters, most civilly greet,

And bestow on each other cockades in the street ;

But no silk one's allow'd on Egalit's plan,

As a worsted cockade marks the level of man.

Here the Graces no longer frisk, frolic, and smile,

No more will gay Paris all Europe beguile ;

Nor enchant her wild Youth both by love and by play,

And inebriate their souls at a petit souper :

For love was enhanc'd by the musical strain,

And the fair were Calypsos, in wit and champaign ;

Our beauties to please, as my lays dance along,

I, gladly translate a short amorous song:LUCINDA boasts a charm divine,

 By love's enchanting grace;

On me her eyes benignly shine,

 While blushes paint her face.She clasps me to her panting breast,

 Pleas'd with th'impassion'd strife;

Then sooths my amorous woes to rest,

 And cheers the gloom of life.The glow-Worm's tail thus sheds a light,

 To guide her lover's way ;

For him illumes the dreary night,

 And gilds the thorny spray.Thus the glow of dear sentiment bright'ned the face,

And beauty from fashion deriv'd a new grace ;

Sensation was taught mental feelings to prize,

And the wish of the heart gives a tongue to the eyes.

Sweetly throb'd with emotion the sensitive breast,

As myrtle deliciously breathes, when its press'd.

Social taste gave the ton, sped the blessings of life,

And every man courted another man's wife :

Thus friends were attach'd by the charms of each woman,

As the primitive christians had all things in common.

Love spread her gauze veil, and became more refin'd,

And the joys of the sense were impress'd on the mind :

So the painters bright tints we with rapture admire,

When enamel'd they shine, and are fixed by the fire.

The fair took from books what was decent and fit,

Hence the flavour and zest of their delicate wit :

Thus, from islands of spice, zephyrs flauntingly bear

The sweets that they steal, and perfume the whole air.

Here the pretty Bourgeoise, drest in simles and in charms,

Oft ogled the courtier, and flew to his arms ;

And a Lettre de cachet secur'd them their bliss,

For the spouse was bastil'd, and saw nothing amiss.

What a delicate trait of the courtier and wife,

To save the poor cuckold from conjugal strife !

But alas ! all these pretty manœuvres are o'er ;

True politeness is fled, — the Bastile is no more !

When lettres de cachet were sign'd, and were ready,

They kept millions submissive, and government steady.

And Mam Pompadour by so lenient a law,†

The culprit reform'd, by bread, water, and straw.

At her concert, Tartini play'd hy-der-um diddle,

And Diderot sneer'd at the twang of his fiddle ;

But it cost him full dear; in a cell he lay low,

Till Peccavi he cry'd to the Prince of the bow.

Thus the claims of respect were ne'er riven asunder,

And the Court of Versailles stir'd up envy and wonder.

No more from each Province will fair ladies trudge,

To solicit their suit, and enrapture the judge ;

So the rigour of justice was soften'd by love,

And the harpy of strife took the form of a dove ;

The spirit of chivalry reign'd o'er the laws,

When the glances of beauty decided the cause.

But Gallia is ruin'd, and chivalry dead,

And the glory of Europe for ever is fled ;

Proud Freedom in servitude lately we saw,

But now, sex and rank are enslav'd by the law ;

The grace of life's gone which came hither unbought,

Of heroes the nurse, and of ev'ry bright thought :

How chaste the men's honour ! a stain was a scar,

But no lady was scratch'd in this chivalry war ;

Vice lost all its grossness, became pure and fine,

And to virtue was chang'd by a polish divine ;

As water polluted, and foul to the sight,

By filt'ring, again runs pellucid and bright.

So ‡CASSAVI's roots a dire venom contain,

Squeeze out the gross juice, and you squeeze out the bane ;

For this logic persuasive, no merit I claim,

EDMUND proves vice and virtue sublimely the same :

His eulogium, our own native Trinity †† tells,

Tho' Oxford refuses her Cap; — without bells !

To France and rebellion I' now bid adieu,

On Hesperia's sweet plain, I'll again write to you.

P.S. e24fc04721

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