Day 3


Day 3

Dear students,

Today was our first day in the camps. We headed to Leda camp. We started the journey and due to a closed road and lots of traffic it took a little longer than three hours. The driving here is something else. There are not cars but there are buses, vans, and so many tuk tuks. The roads are one lane each and full of potholes. People don’t have or follow traffic rules so you drive on whatever side you want and pass whenever you want. The way you signal is by honking, a lot. So much honking.

Driving through the country was beautiful. It is covered in rice fields as well as salt fields where they evaporate water and collect salt. You will see people out in the fields planting rice and lots of cows grazing. It is quite serene and a vast contrast from the busy dirty city.

After about three hours we started to drive through the camps. The camps are built on the hillsides and are very close together. The living structures are composed of bamboo and tarps. You would be amazed at the many things you can make with bamboo!

Upon arrival at Leda camp we distributed the dry food kits we made the night before. The people were so thankful. Huge smiles spread across their faces as we handed out the food. We then led a women’s class and heard stories from some of the refugees. Guys, it’s really sad and I’ll go more into that as I learn more this week and provide you with more information from the camps.

As we walked through we were surrounded by children of all ages. They wanted to say hello and wave. When we pulled out balloons and bubbles you would have thought we had gold bars. Their eyes lit up and the field filled with laughter. The joy that balloon brought lit up the room.

What things in your life bring that much joy? What makes you truly happy? Yesterday we talked about controlling your reactions and today I want you to think about joy and happiness. It’s a choice. It doesn’t matter what iPhone you have or which video game system you play. It doesn’t matter how many friends you have or how many hardships come along you can choose to be happy and find something to make you smile. Smile. Do it a lot. The smiles that came to those kids faces because of a balloon would make you smile. It made me smile, a lot.

Smile to each other. Smile at recess. Smile while you’re taking that test Friday. Smile.

A lot.

All the time.