
825The Year-End Luncheon and Trophy Presentations

The Year-End Luncheon was held on November 7th at the West Vancouver Yacht Club.  Thanks went out to all executive members, tournament leads and starters as well as all the volunteers for the many activities and events in 2023.  This was followed by an exciting slide show, trophy presentation and a delicious meal. The always popular 50/50 fund-raiser for our club charity, the Special Olympics, netted $825. 

Oct 30th - the Tombstone Tournament

The season has concluded with a great sunny last tournament, the Tombstone.  Thanks to Ross Parker for his leadership on the largest tournament of the year (63 registrants!)  Picture at left was a toast to our most senior members teeing off to start the tournament.  Don Smith was absent due to his golf scores being just too low this year (and his sore ankle).  Cheers to Jimmy for putting the toast together!

Sept. 15th - The Battle of the Sexes

The final mixed tournament of the year was played on Friday, September 15th. The Men’s Division did not do as well as last year and went down to defeat to the powerful Women’s Division! Playing golf with the members of the Women’s Division is always a joyful experience in that the competition can be fierce while playing for fun. Check the pictures below of the winning three groups as well as the six groups playing match, women versus men.

The top three scoring groups were Jean Kadler / Joan Scarlett in first ($15 each prize) and tied for 2nd and third are Kathy McColeman and Ramona Helm / Jonas Edenvik and John Christopherson ($7.50 each).

The closies on #5  were won by Ross McColeman and Kathy McColeman (sleeve of balls prize).

The longest drives were won by Jonas Edenvik and Jen Kadler (sleeve of balls prize). 

August 9th - The Stableford Tournament

With European scoring and a closie on every hole, the Stableford was a fun event! The first place finishers were Geoff Jopson, Craig McDowell, Bryan Smyth, and Bruce Holtzman ($80 purse); second place went to David Dachis, Bruce Douglas, Tom Broddy, and Angus Wilkinson ($60 purse) and finishing third were 3 groups; Ross, McColeman, Daryl Wing, Len Lockmuller, Dave Thomas of Group 5; Jen Liew, Dan Green, John Christopherson, Barry Mitchell of Group 3; and Bill Girard ,Dick Stewart, Ben Andersen, Jim Sherry of Group 9 ($40 total 3rd place purse).  Congrats to all for a great day that looked like it would be a rainstorm but was not! Thank you to Dave Thomas and Howard Fernandez for their usual excellent organization and execution of the tournament.

July 3rd - Veteran Golfer Pockets the Big One!

Yes, our very own Ross McColeman is changing his name to Ross McHoleman after a hole in one on #8.   He joins the ranks of other prestigious men whose names hang proudly on the wall plaque in the nest. Congratulations Ross!

June 30th - Hawaiian Shirt Day - Aloha

June 26th - The Lone Ranger Tournament

Monday’s Lone Ranger Tournament was competitive with teams navigating the alternate scoring system.  The tournament winners were the group of John Kitching, Daryl Wing, John Christopherson & Owen Wong with a purse of $80; second was the group of Jen Liew, Bruce McKay, John Cave & Dave Thomas with a purse of $60; and in third place was Bryan Stewart, Geoff Jopson, Jim Sherry & Rick Wong with a purse of $40. Thank you to Dave Thomas and Howard Fernandes for their leadership and coordination. 

June 16th - The Mixed Stableford Tournament

The first annual Mixed Stableford Tournament went off without a hitch...The weather was spotty at first and then the rain eased and with the help of the Golf Gods the sun peeked  through the clouds and everyone had a fun, yet competitive tournament.

The overall winners were Marie Bradbury/John Lucas scoring 38 points with a retro second place for Marie Moonan/Ben Anderson scoring 35 pts. In third place was Corine Moryson/David Dachis with also 35 pts.

Prizes were given to all 6 people with KP s on 5 & 8, longest drive 7 & 9. We also had a prize for the lowest scoring man & woman plus random draw prizes.  The prizes less the cash money for first place was sponsored by The Raven in Deep Cove & Geo Cider in Squamish.

Thank you to lead Lynn Jacobs for her great organization on the woman's side and to Tom Broddy, Lynn's assistant, on the men's side.

Pictures below: 1st, 2nd, 3rd followed by the other teams

June 14th - Hole in One!

Congratulations to Errol on his ace on number 5!  Well done Mr. Honeypot!

May 31st - The Captain's Jug

The Captain bestowed a slightly-used ball (from only the best reserves) on each player  for good luck and good fortune.  Congratulations to the team of Bill Kitch / Ross McColeman for leading the pack today.  Followed by Rick Wong / Bob Daintree and 3rd, Matthew Wright / Dave Thomas.  Thank you to lead Dave Thomas for his organization of the tournament.

May 26th - The Mixed Gordon Gibson Tournament

Congratulations to Low Gross winners as well as the top three teams. 

Ladies Low Gross: Kathy McColeman

Men’s Low Gross: David Dachis and Ross McColeman

1st Place Team Bill Kitch and Kathy McColeman

2nd Place Team: Len Lockmullar Jill Donnelly

3rd Place Teams: David Roskell and Adrienne Murray / Brad Marchand and Lynne Jacobs


We look forward to the next mixed tournament in late June.  Thank you to Lisa Buttjes and Tom Broddy for the excellent organization and luncheon!

May 17th - The Three Club Challenge Tournament

Yes, with only 3 clubs in tow, each player utilized the best club that was closest to the usual club for the particular ball position.  And that is the challenge.  Thanks to Errol for coming up with the creative money payouts on all holes. Results:

The official results of the 3 Club Challenge are as follows:   1st-Bill Kitch,  2nd - Owen Wong and David Dachis (tied), 3rd -Mark Jackson

HP Closies: $7.00 each - Hole #1...Greg Yelland, #2...Bill Kitch,  #3... Bill Kitch, #4... Bill Kitch, #5...Rod Carlson, #6...Greg Yelland, #7...Ross McColeman, #8... Bill Kitch, #9... John Lucas and Long putt ... Ollie Bonham. Congrats to all!

May 8th and 10th - The Bowen Island Interclub Trophy

Despite possessing the prestigious Bowen Island / Gleneagles Men's trophy for a year, we could simply not hang on to it!  Congratulations to the Bowen Island Men's Club boys... and to Maurice McGregor and Andy Gibbins for organizing the fun event.  Till next year...

May 6th - Gleneagles Fest

Thank you to our volunteers Geoff Jopson, Frank Lin, Bryan Stewart and John Cave for assisting Courtney and Mark on the family event at the Gleneagles Community Center and adjacent putting greens. 

May 3rd - The Ross McColeman Trophy

This was a pairs low net tournament where John L and Phil came first (net 67), Errol and Bill G took 2nd prize (74) and Howard and Rick W tied with 3rd (74.01).  Thank you to our Club Life Member, Ross McColeman, for organizing the tournament. Pics below

April 28th The Annis Stukus Mixed Tournament

The weatherman fully cooperated with sunshine, the best day of the year so far!  The first place team was (left to right) Dave and Jan, the second place team was Phil and Lynne and the third place team was Brad and Christiana.  Thank you to Tom Broddy for his organization and to Greg Yelland for managing the day.

April 9th, PGA Masters Partnership Declares a Winner!

April 3, 5, 10 - The Ice Breaker Tournament