There’s nothing like listening to swinging jazz bands when you are out with your gal on a Saturday night.  Unfortunately these days the big bands are not playing on the AM radio.  It was for this reason that I had to modify my beautiful 1946 Olympic 6-606 to play music from an ipod.

Summary of hacking the 6-606

Caution:  Do not attempt this hack.  This is for reference only.  Tube radios are dangerous.  High voltage is everywhere throughout the circuitry.  This radio in particular is a hot chassis radio which means its metal chassis is tied to the hot side of the input line voltage.  If you make a mistake it could kill you.

Engineering Notes

Olympic Model 6-606 modificaiton notes

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Message feed on mrvacuumtube

Message feed on Make Magazine blog

Press & Blogs

Make Magazine Blog, “Lindy bomb in style with restored radio.

A and B battery replacement