
Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together.

[Scott Hayden]

Academic Teaching

Academic Year 2023/2024

"Machine Learning for modeling" - Module: "Unsupervised Learning" (II semester, 24 lab hours in Python, Adjunct Professor), new Inter-University Master of Science in "Artificial Intelligence for Society and Technology" (AI4ST), UniMIB-UniMI-UniPV. Teaching language: English.

"E-Health" VII ed. (II semester, 48 hours, with responsibility), Master of Science in "ICT for Internet and Multimedia" (MIME), UniPD. Teaching language: English.

"Architettura degli elaboratori" (II semester, 24 lab hours, Adjunct Professor), Bachelor of Science in "Informatics", UniMIB. Teaching language: Italian.

"Sensor fusion in eHealth and mHealth" (December 2023, 14 hours, 1.5 CFU, with responsibility), a newly proposed course of the Doctoral School in Informatics, UniMIB. Teaching language: English.

Academic Year 2022/2023

"Machine Learning for modeling" - Module: "Unsupervised Learning" (II semester, 24 lab hours in Python, Adjunct Professor), new Inter-University Master of Science in "Artificial Intelligence for Society and Technology" (AI4ST), UniMIB-UniMI-UniPV. Teaching language: English.

"E-Health" VI ed. (II semester, 48 hours, with responsibility), Master of Science in "ICT for Internet and Multimedia" (MIME), UniPD. Teaching language: English.

"Architettura degli elaboratori" (II semester, 24 lab hours, Adjunct Professor), Bachelor of Science in "Informatics", UniMIB. Teaching language: Italian.

Seminar entitled "EEG/EMG data fusion and Brain-Computer Interface for motor (re-)control" (2 hours), M.Sc. Course in "E-Health" (Prof. Alex Gradinaru), University Politenhica of Bucharest (UPB). Period: April 28th, 2023.  Teaching language: English.

Seminar entitled "Scenarios of Internet-of-Things (IoT): E-health and IoT for health" (2 hours), Ph.D. Course in "Brain Mind and Computer Science" (BMCS), UniPD. Period: March 10th, 2023. Teaching language: English.

Mini-course entitled "The use of EEG and EMG in neuro-rehabilitation and motor control investigation: present challenges, opportunities for the future" (8 hours, open to B.Sc./M.Sc./Ph.D. students and Faculty), Dept. Applied mathematics, Science, and Engineering of Materials and Electronic Technology (Area: Electronic Technology), University of "Rey J. Carlos" of Madrid (Spain). Period: December 19th-23rd, 2022. Teaching language: English.

Academic Year 2021/2022

"E-Health" V ed. (II semester, 48 hours, with responsibility), Master of Science in "ICT for Internet and Multimedia" (MIME), UniPD. Teaching language: English.

"Architettura degli elaboratori" (II semester, 24 lab hours, Adjunct Professor), Bachelor of Science in "Informatics", UniMIB. Teaching language: Italian.

Seminar entitled "Explainable methods for EEG signal processing" (4 hours), Ph.D. Course in "Electrical and Computer Engineering", University of Coimbra (Portugal). Period: June 14th-20th, 2021. Teaching language: English.

Seminar entitled "Multimodal data fusion and Brain-Computer Interface for rehabilitation" (2 hours), M.Sc. Course in "E-Health" (Prof. Alex Gradinaru), University Politenhica of Bucharest (Romania). Period: May 6th, 2022. Teaching language: English.

Academic Year 2020/2021

"E-Health" IV ed. (II semester, 48 hours, with responsibility), Master of Science in "ICT for Internet and Multimedia" (MIME), UniPD. Teaching language: English.

Seminar entitled "Towards a User-centric Internet-of-Things for enhanced Quality of Life" (2 hours), Ph.D. Course in "Brain Mind and Computer Science" (BMCS), UniPD. Period: July 2nd, 2020. Teaching language: English.

Seminar entitled "Data fusion and brain-computer interface to restore and support movements" (2 hours), M.Sc. Course in "E-Health" (Prof. Alex Gradinaru), University Politenhica of Bucharest (UPB). Period: May 7th, 2021.  Teaching language: English.

Academic Year 2019/2020

"E-Health" III ed. (I semester, 48 hours, with responsibility, ex-"Telemedicine"), Master of Science in "ICT for Internet and Multimedia" (MIME), UniPD. Teaching language: English.

Seminar entitled "ICT for health" (2 hours), Ph.D. Course in "Brain Mind and Computer Science" (BMCS), UniPD.  Period: July 4th, 2019. Teaching language: English.

Academic Year 2018/2019

"Telemedicine" II ed. (48 hours, with responsibility), Master of Science in "ICT for Internet and Multimedia" (MIME), UniPD. Teaching language: English.

Academic Year 2017/2018

"Telemedicine" I ed. (48 hours, with responsibility), Master of Science in "ICT for Internet and Multimedia" (MIME), UniPD. Teaching language: English.

Academic Year 2016/2017

"Fondamenti di Comunicazioni" (I semester, 24 lab hours as Academic Tutor), Bachelor of Science in "Electronic Engineering", UniPD. Teaching language: Italian.

Academic Year 2015/2016

"Fundamentals of Telecommunications" (II semester, 24 hours, 3 CFU, Adjunct Professor), Bachelor of Science in "Electronical Engineering", UniPD. Teaching language: Italian.

"Fundamentals of Telecommunications" (I semester, 16 lab hours, Academic Tutor), Bachelor of Science in "Information Engineering", UniPD. Teaching language: Italian.

Available thesis works

..to be updated soon

Students supervision

Supervisions of PhD students at DEI/Unipd (1):

Alberto Zancanaro (PhD candidate, expected 2025, supervision, DEI/Unipd).

Supervisions of MSc students at DEI/Unipd (7):

Diego Zanutti (expected July 2024, with Khymeia srl), Filippo Canderle and Anna Zorzetto (expected autumn 2024, with Henesis srl), Griselda Kolici (expected 2024, with Siemens Healthineers srl - Germany), Arda Ertanhan, Mattia Tortelli, and Shayan Sharifi (expected 2024).

Former alumni

Supervisions of PhD/post-doc students (3):

Anna V. Guglielmi (2020-2021, supervision, post-doc funded by GARR Consortium "O. Carlini" scholarship), Martina Capuzzo (PhD in 2022, unofficial co-supervision, DEI/Unipd), Dagmawi Delelegn Tegegn (PhD in 2023, unofficial co-supervision, DISCo/Unimib).

Supervisions of MSc students at DEI/Unipd (18):

Laura Dalla Montà (2019), Guglielmo Luna (2020, TIME Program), Giulia Bressan (2020, with Graz BCI Lab-TUGraz, “L. Ometto” Best Master Thesis Award), Riccardo Melchiori and Alberto Zancanaro (2021, with Human-Centered Mobile Robotics lab-Univ. of Coimbra), Marta Carraro (2021, with University of Milano-Bicocca), Anna Vettoruzzo (2021, with CosyncLab of IRCCS “Santa Lucia” and University "Sapienza"), Simone Trevisan (2021, with Healthy REPLY srl), Marco Di Giorgi (2021, with University of Tubingen), Hansika Demini Senadeera (2022), Giulia Pezzutti (2022, SEND Program, with Graz BCI Lab-TUGraz) Jessica Fagotto and Milad Nasiri (2022, with CosyncLab of IRCCS “Santa Lucia” and University "Sapienza" and BrainTrends srl), Anna Nalotto (2022, with Human-Centered Mobile Robotics lab-Univ. of Coimbra), Laura Soccol (2022, with Dept. Artificial Intelligence of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology), Elena Marinello (2023, with RamosLab of University of Tubingen), Enrico Fongaro (2023, with CosyncLab of IRCCS “Santa Lucia” and University "Sapienza"), Tommaso Urbani (2024, with Henesis srl).

Co-supervisions of MSc students at DEI/Unipd (3):

Maricarmen Ciliberti (2018), Nicola Snoriguzzi (2021, in collaboration with UPM of Madrid), Alberto Muraro (2021).

Supervisions of BSc students at DEI/Unipd (16):

Riccardo Melchiori (2018), Daniele Barnabò (2019), Anna Vettoruzzo (2019), Luca de Piccoli (2019), Giulia Rizzoli (2019), Niccolò M. Anselmi (2019), Marcello Raimondi (2020), Giacomo Pavan (2020), Pietro Talli (2020), Francesco Marin Vargas (2020), Giulia D’Addato (2021), Diego Zanutti (2021), Anna Zorzetto (2022), Elia nasato (2022), Federico Donadel (2022, in collaboration with IRCCS “Santa Lucia”), Matteo Bergamin (2022, in collaboration with Seletech Engineering srl).

Supervisions of BSc students at DISCo/Unimib (5):

Alessio Zanga (2019, co-supervision), Alessandro Pignanelli (2022, in collaboration with Private Care srl, Milan), Jhordan Steve Rodriguez Rojas (2023, in collaboration with Sopra Steria srl and Esselunga), Federico Pulcino (2023, in collaboration with NESECOM Srl), Dario Morlacchi (2023, in collaboration with Artel Lombardia srl).

Co-supervisions of BSc students at DEI/Unipd (13):

Silvia Sturaro (2013), Melissa Scattolin (2015), Umberto Michieli (2016), Arianna Secco (2017), Arianna Zorzi (2017), Luca Ruffato (2017), Marta Carraro (2017), Jacopo Pegoraro (2017), Giulia Bressan (2018), Nicola Snoriguzzi (2018), Maria Colpo (2018), Edoardo Casarin (2019), Lavinia Verzotto (2022).