Curriculum Vitae

Giulia Cisotto received her Doctoral degree in March 2014 from the University of Padova, Italy (Unipd). Currently, she is a tenure-track Assistant Professor with the Department of Informatics, Systems, and Communication (DISCo) of the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy (Unimib). Previously (2019-2022), she was a tenure-track Assistant Professor with the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) of the University of Padova (Padova, IT), and (2014-2015) Research Associate with the Department of Biosciences and Informatics of Keio University (Tokyo, JP).

She has been always collaborating with several national and international research groups, including the Neuropsychophysiology Lab of I.R.C.C.S. “San Camillo” of Venice (PI: Prof. MD. Francesco Piccione), the Cosync Lab of I.R.C.C.S. “Santa Lucia” and University “Sapienza” in Rome (PI: Prof. Viviana Betti), the SIGNET Lab of Unipd (PI: Prof. Michele Zorzi), the IBIC Lab of the N.C.N.P. of Tokyo in Japan (PI: Prof. M.D. Takashi Hanakawa), and the Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR) of the University of Coimbra in Portugal (PIs: Proff. Urbano Nunes and Gabriel Pires). Since 2013, she has been actively involved in several national and international projects to develop advanced modeling methods for brain and muscular signals with application to neuroscience and neuro-rehabilitation. Since 2022, she has been the principal researcher of the Italian PON “Innovation and Green” project “Sustainable management of greenhouses using NIRS-based sensor networks and AI”, funded by the Italian Ministry of the University and Research (MUR). Currently, she is also actively involved in the development of the project “Reducing the gap between Artificial Intelligence and Society” (ReGAInS) funded by MUR to the DISCo-Unimib (“Departments of Excellence”, 2023-2027). In March 2024, she joined the Modeling Uncertainty, Decisions and Interaction Lab (MUDI Lab), led by Proff. Davide Ciucci, Federico Cabitza. Giulia received several awards and recognitions for her scientific activity. In September 2022, she was elevated to the degree of IEEE Senior Member. She has been regularly serving as a reviewer for many IEEE, MDPI, Frontiers, and Elsevier highly reputed Journals, and as a member of the TPC for several IEEE and Springer conferences. She has published 50+ articles, including peer-reviewed Journal and International conference papers and 3 book chapters (Google Scholar, Scopus).

Finally, Giulia has developed a long-term teaching experience, supervising and co-supervising 60+ B.Sc./M.Sc. theses and teaching several courses at Unipd and Unimib (including the MSc course “E-Health” of Unipd, since 2017/18, and the Python-based lab of the MSc course “Unsupervised learning” of the new MSc Programme in “Artificial Intelligence for Science and Technology” (AI4ST) of the Universities of Milano-Bicocca, Milano-Statale, and Pavia, since 2022/23). Since 2022, she has been the supervisor of one PhD student.

She is also involved in several “third-mission” activities, especially in scientific dissemination. To note, during autumn 2023/spring 2024 she is collaborating with the Association “La Via delle Scienze” of Valdagno (Vicenza, IT) to organize and moderate the conference series entitled “Artificial intelligences, alien intelligences”.

Finally, she is also passionate about music (she is a professional of piano and beginner of tenor sax), and sports (futsal and other team sports, and swimming).