Welcome to HCIS Lab!
AI is reshaping our daily lives, from everyday products to complex electromechanical systems. As immersive technologies bridge physical and virtual realities, they open new possibilities to enhance AI-infused systems.
Our work integrates insights and methods from Human-Computer Interaction, Physical AI, and Extended Reality to seamlessly connect individuals with intelligent systems. We focus on understanding how AI shapes human experiences, enabling adaptive interactions that respond to users' needs, goals, and diverse HCI contexts—for example, perceiving context, making decisions, and coordinating the timing and methods of interaction.
Our mission is to tackle the technical and societal challenges involved in engaging with embodied agent interfaces, robotic mobility platforms, generative XR media, and actuated HCI systems in everyday environments. We support and guide emerging talents who can creatively address these challenges and devise human-centered solutions.
Please contact us at seungjun@gist.ac.kr with your CV and a document that highlights your experience, research, skills, and publications to.
인간중심 지능형 시스템 연구실 - more info
HCIS 연구실은 HCI, AI, XR 기술을 융합하여 인간과 가상/물리 시스템 간 상호작용 방식을 설계하고 검증합니다. 컴퓨터가 주도하는 상황 인식과 의사 결정이 사용자의 감각-인지 메커니즘에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 사용자의 인지 역량과 주의 집중을 지원하여 이질감 없는 AX 경험을 제공하기 위한 연구에 중점을 둡니다. 일상적인 물리적 공간에서 AI-infused 시스템과 상호작용하며 발생하는 문제를 '사람 중심'으로 해결하는 HCI+X 인재 양성을 목표로 합니다.
Oct. 15, 2024 | Presented Flip-Pelt at ACM UIST 2024.
Oct. 15, 2024 | MIT CSAIL and GIST study on autonomous vehicle safety displays wins Distinguished Paper Award (Read more).
Oct. 09, 2024 | What and When to Explain? received the Distinguished Paper Award at UbiComp'24 🏆
Oct. 06, 2024 | Organized Physical AI workshop @ UbiComp'24. Welcomed 45 authors from 12 institutions.
July. 21, 2024 | SeungJun's research vision has been featured at Forbes.
June. 03, 2024 | MIT CSAIL and GIST researchers develop a biomechanical dataset for badminton performance analysis (Read more).
May. 11-16, 2024 | Presented ErgoPulse, SYNC-VR, and LumiMood at ACM CHI 2024 and received two Honorable Mentions🏆🏆
Flip-Pelt: Motor-Driven Peltier Elements for Rapid Thermal Stimulation and Congruent Pressure Feedback in VR (UIST '24)
ErgoPulse: Electrifying Your Lower Body With Biomechanical Simulation-based Electrical Muscle Stimulation (CHI '24) 🏆
SYNC-VR: Synchronizing Your Senses to Conquer Motion Sickness for Enriching In-Vehicle Virtual Reality (CHI '24) 🏆
LumiMood: A Creativity Support Tool for Designing the Mood of a 3D Scene (CHI '24)
GaitWay: Gait Data-Based VR Locomotion Prediction System Robust to Visual Distraction (CHI LBW '24)