
MY STATA programs for Program Evaluation Econometrics

R_ML_STATA_CV: Stata module to implement machine learning regression in Stata

C_ML_STATA_CV: Stata module to implement machine learning classification in Stata

CUB: Stata module to estimate ordinal outcome model estimated by a mixture of a uniform and a shifted binomial

TFDIFF: Stata module to compute pre- and post-treatment estimation of the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) with fixed binary treatment

SUBSET: Stata module to implement best covariates and stepwise subset selection

SCTREE: module to implement classification trees via optimal pruning, bagging, random forests, and boosting methods

SRTREE: Stata module to implement regression trees via optimal pruning, bagging, random forests, and boosting methods

SENSIMATCH: Stata module to provide data-driven sensitivity analysis for Matching estimator

TVDIFF: Stata module to compute pre- and post-treatment estimation of the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) with binary time-varying treatment

MKERN: Stata module to perform multivariate nonparametric kernel regression

NPSYNTH: Stata module to implement Nonparametric Synthetic Control Method

NTREATREG: Stata module for estimation of treatment effects in the presence of neighbourhood interactions

TED: Stata module to test Stability of Regression Discontinuity Models

RSCORE: Stata module for estimation of responsiveness scores

DATANET: Stata module to facilitate dataset organization for network analysis purposes

CTREATREG: Stata module for estimating dose-response models under exogenous and endogenous treatment

IVTREATREG: Stata module to estimate binary treatment models with idiosyncratic average effect

TREATREW: Stata module to estimate Average Treatment Effects by reweighting on propensity score

It goes without saying that different software are useful tools according to specific purposes. In this section I provide a very short description of the most used packages both for economic-statistical analysis and for more general scientific purposes with an hyperlink to their website.

STATA: for statistical analysis

PYTHON: for machine learning and data science

R: for statistical analysis

MATLAB: for computational purposes

SIMLAB: for sensiyivity analysis

LATEX: for editing scientific papers

HTML: for building websites