Research Group on the Analysis of Economic Policies

GRAPE - Research Group on the Analysis of Economic Policies

GRAPE is a research group based in Rome and organized around a collaboration among researchers affiliated to the National Research Council (IRCrES-CNR, "Institute for Sustainable Economic Growth", the Department of Enterprise Engineering of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, and the Department of Economics and Law of the Sapienza University of Rome.

GRAPE, kindly hosted by IRCrES-CNR (Unit of Rome), is a highly interdisciplinary research group working in the field of economic, social and computational sciences.

GRAPE aims at exploring the intersection of economics, econometrics and computation by applying computational techniques to all branches of economic modelling including market modelling, organizational design of complex systems, policy evaluation and networks.

Research methods include agent-based computational modelling, computational econometrics and statistics and simulation approaches. The group's activity is dedicated to stimulating discussion at the forefront of economic and econometric research for policy analysis and advice for policymaking.

GRAPE is sponsored by the International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics (IJCEE). and each year the "International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics" (IWcee) is held in Rome to gather scholars from all over the world working on GRAPE related fields of interest.


  • Computational Economics

Computational techniques applied to economic problems and policies * Agent-based modelling * Control and game theory Econometrics * Economic dynamics * Applied micro and macro * Software development and implementation

  • Econometrics

Monte Carlo simulation * Robustness and sensitivity analysis * General equilibrium models * Optimisation methods * Bayesian econometrics * Time series analysis and forecasting techniques * Operational research methods with applications to economics * Software development and implementation