Scientific communications
[2025] An Autumn day in Calculus of Variations and Geometric Analysis, (co-org: Bianchini, De Pascale, Giovannardi), Firenze
[2025] A Spring day in Calculus of Variations and Applications, (co-org: Focardi, Lazzaroni, Rotundo), Firenze
[2024] Mathematical analysis seminars, 2024–2025 (co-org: Giovannardi, Lazzaroni), Firenze
[2024] Convex Geometry in Florence, (co-org: Bianchi, Bianchini, Colesanti), Firenze
[2023] Geometric Measure Theory and nonlinear PDEs, parallel session at the 29th NCM (co-org: Fässler, Julin, Pinamonti), Aalborg
[2023] New Trends in Geometric & Variational PDEs, (co-org: Fogagnolo, Pinamonti, Roncoroni) Trento
[2022] Anisotropic Isoperimetric Problems & related topics (co-org: Franceschi, Pluda), Roma
[2021–2023] 2021–2022 and 2022–2023 Analysis seminars (co-org: Marchese, Pinamonti), Trento
[2025] Rigidity of the monotonicity of the Euclidean perimeter with respect to convex bodies inclusions, XXXIV Convegno Nazionale di Calcolo delle Variazioni, Riccione
[2024] Existence of minimizers of Cheeger's functional among convex sets, Elliptic, parabolic problems and functional inequalities (special session at the 14th AIMS Conference), Abu Dhabi
[2024] Existence of minimizers of Cheeger's functional among convex sets, UK Workshop on Spectral Theory, Edinburgh
[2024] Cheeger clusters, Shape Optimization, Geometric Inequalities and Related Topics (II Edition), Lecce
[2023] Bijections between isoperimetric sets, prescribed curvature sets, and $p$-Cheeger sets, Young Mathematicians Workshop: Calculus of Variations, WEMM-Workshop 2023, TUM München
[2023] Bijections between isoperimetric sets, prescribed curvature sets, and $p$-Cheeger sets, Brescia–Trento Nonlinear Days, Brescia
[2023] Existence of minimizers of Cheeger's functional among convex sets, Shape optimization, Isoperimetric and Functional Inequalities 2023, Levico
[2023] Cylindrical estimates for the Cheeger constant, XXII Congresso UMI, Pisa
[2023] Existence of minimizers of Cheeger's functional among convex sets, 29th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Aalborg
[2023] Bijections between isoperimetric sets, prescribed curvature sets, and $p$-Cheeger sets, Geometric Measure Theory, Bressanone 2023, Brixen
[2022] Estimates on the Cheeger constant, Isoperimetric Problems, Pisa
[2022] Isoperimetric sets, sets with prescribed curvature, and p-Cheeger sets: three faces of the same coin, Shape Optimization, related topics & applications, Roscoff
[2021] Full characterization of isoperimetric sets in $2$d domains without necks, The 4th Geometric Analysis Festival (4 GAF), Jeonbuk
[2021] Convexity properties of the isoperimetric profile, HCM Workshop: Geometric and Applied Analysis, Bonn
[2021] Convexity properties of the isoperimetric profile, 8th European Congress of Mathematics, Portorož
[2020] Convexity properties of the isoperimetric profile, Geometric Analysis and Calculus of Variations GeoCa20, Lysečiny
[2020] The isoperimetric problem with a double density, 4th International Conference on Mathematics, Istanbul
[2019] Minimizers of the (planar) prescribed curvature functional, Shape Optimization and Isoperimetric Inequalities and Functional Inequalities, Levico Terme
[2019] Il problema isoperimetrico con doppia densità, XXI Congresso dell'UMI, Pavia
[2019] The isoperimetric problem with a double density, Barcelona Analysis Conference 2019, Barcelona
[2019] The isoperimetric problem with a double density, INDAMIP2019 - Shape optimization, control and inverse problems for PDEs , Napoli
[2019] The Cheeger problem in a Jordan domain with no necks, COPDESC–LIA Workshop , Regensburg
[2018] The isoperimetric problem with a double density, Topics in Nonlinear Analysis: Calculus of Variations and PDEs, Lisboa
[2018] The isoperimetric problem with a double density, Bicocca–Urbino Days in Nonlinear Analysis, Milano-Bicocca
[2018] The Cheeger constant of a Jordan domain without necks, XXVIII Convegno Nazionale del Calcolo delle Variazioni, Levico Terme
[2016] On the prescribed mean curvature equation in weakly regular domains, Thematic period on Calculus of Variations, Optimal Transportation, and Geometric Measure Theory: from theory to applications, Lyon
[2016] On the capillary problem for perfectly wetting fluids in a free gravity environment, Workshop on Calculus of Variations and its applications, Parma
[2024] Existence of minimizers of Cheeger's functional among convex sets, SISSA Trieste
[2024] Bijections between isoperimetric sets, prescribed curvature sets, and $p$-Cheeger sets, Firenze
[2023] Perimeter-dependant energies, Trento
[2022] The Cheeger problem in abstract measure spaces, Jyväskylä
[2022] Full characterization of isoperimetric sets in $2$d domains without necks, Purdue University, West Lafayette
[2021] New results on the Cheeger constant, Pisa
[2021] Isoperimetric-like problems in the Calculus of Variations: existence, shape & quantitative inequalities, Trento
[2021] The isoperimetric problem with a double density, Trento
[2020] Minimizers of the (planar) prescribed curvature functional, SISSA Trieste
[2019] Minimizers of the (planar) prescribed curvature functional, Jyväskylä
[2018] The Cheeger problem and an application to the (constant) Prescribed Mean Curvature problem, CMAF–CIO Lisboa
[2018] The Cheeger problem and an application to the (constant) Prescribed Mean Curvature problem, Pavia
[2018] Prescribed mean curvature equation and the Cheeger problem, Heidelberg
[2017] The inner Cheeger formula for simply connected planar sets, Ciclo di seminari di Analisi Matematica, Parma
[2016] Il problema della capillarità per fluidi perfettamente bagnanti in gravità zero, Ciclo di seminari di Analisi, Modena