Raw Honey

Our bees gather nectar from many sources on and around our farm. Whether it be the from our 1.5 acres of prairie wildflowers, the clover in our pasture and orchard, or from the numerous nectar giving trees in our forest, our bees produce some of the most fine tasting honey you can find. We try to raise our bees in the most natural ways possible without using harsh chemicals and always striving not to stress out the bees by trying to get them to produce beyond their means. We use a mix of traditional Langstroth hives along with top bar hives.

Gindler Farm Honey is minimally processed. We take honeycomb straight from the hive, run it through a screen and a fine mesh cloth, and put it in jars. This ensures that all of the little bits of pollen, wax, and beneficial enzymes are in our honey. Many of these beneficial elements are destroyed in store bought honey during the pasteurization process. Once you taste raw honey, you'll NEVER be satisfied with processed honey again.

I often tell people, "There's no way to get honey more pure than ours short of sticking you head in the hive and eating it straight from the comb." which, by the way, is something I DO NOT recommend.

Raw Honey is $10.00 per pint

Honey is sold is pint jars only.