Pasture Raised Eggs

There's much confusion when shopping for eggs in the grocery store. If you really want a good description of the difference between Cage Free and Free Range, both of which are offical USDA terms, here's a article on the subject.

We like to keep it simple on our farm. We raise our chickens in a way that our great grandparents would have been used to when they farmed in the late 1800's and early 1900's before industrialized farming methods moved chickens indoors and into small cages for their entire life. Our chickens are fed a hand mixed, whole grain feed. We ferment our chicken feed which helps make the nutrients more easily digestible for the chickens. In addition, they spend every day roaming our 4 1/2 acre pasture foraging for grass, seeds, bugs, and anything else they may come across (remeber chickens are omnivores) in the fresh air and sunlight. We believe this is truely the most natural way for a chicken to live. In turn, they give us eggs which are full of vitamins, minerals, and heathly fats. It's always fun to crack open one of our eggs and notice the dark yellow to orange color of the yolks.

We can't use the term "Organic" for our eggs because its a USDA label which is heavily regulated and at this time we simply don't have the time or resources required to fulfill the governmental paperwork to use that term. What we can say is that our chickens defineltly do not live in small cages, they absolutly free range our pasture in the open air, and they produce some of the best tasting, nutrious eggs you'll find.