Hope Relentless

Hope Relentless Marriage & Relationship Center

3231 E Blue Sage Rd

Gilbert, Az 85297

(480) 530-7224


Hope Relentless offers marriage or couples counseling services.  They work with couple both in person and online via zoom.

One of the things that makes Hope Relentless unique, is that they offer a free consultation.  When I was looking for a marriage counselor in Gilbert, most of the local therapist charged for the first session or what they called intake.

When I spoke with Sarah-Gayle and Jessica over at Hope Relentless they provided an initial 30 minute session for free. My wife and I really liked the idea of being able to meet with the counselor and see if it was a good fit for both of us before deciding or having to pay.  We thought Hope Relentless was the perfect encouraging and supportive environment to help get our relationship back on the right track. 

It turns out Hope Relentless was exactly what we needed.  Over the course of several meetings, my wife and I could feel the walls start to come down and the connection, joy, and intimacy return to our relationship.  We had fallen into a rut of all "family business" and not enough quality time enjoying one another.  Sarah-Gayle would encourage us, equip us, and then challenge us to take action.  In the beginning, I was a little guarded, but now I realize this time with my wife and counseling at Hope Relentless has been the most impactful and beneficial decision we have ever made for our relationship. I highly recommend giving Hope Relentless a call and working with one of their counselors.  I am highly confident your experience will be like mine and the only regret you will have is that you didn't call them and schedule your first free appointment earlier.