Giddings Public Library and Cultural Center
Read below for instructions on how to use the catalog to log in, manage your notifications, reserve books, and more!
Explore our online catalog
Want to know if we have the book you’re looking for? Check our online catalog for real-time access to the books currently on our shelves. The catalog has a ton of features for our members, including:
The ability to log in to your account and update your phone number and email address
Suggested titles and authors you might enjoy
Specialized children's catalog showing only children's titles
Detailed search functionality
Below, you'll find specific information to help you get the most out of the catalog.
Log in with your library-card number
In the top right corner of the screen, you'll see a log-in option. Enter your library-card number in the top box. Your password is automatically set to your 10-digit phone number. Enter it without dashes.
Access your account information
After selecting "my account," you'll be able to change your password, and add a phone number, or an email address to your account.
Set notification preferences
In the "notifications" menu, you can set preferences if you'd like to be notified 3 days before your items are due. You can also choose to be notified once an item is overdue. If you've entered a cell phone number, you can receive notifications by text. Email is also an option.
You can also decide if you'd like to receive an emailed receipt when you check items out from the library. The receipt includes a list of titles you checked out.
View and renew your currently checked-out items
By selecting the "Items Out/Renewals," you can view all items you currently have checked out, and renew any items that aren't on reserve for another member.
Access electronic resources
In addition to being able to search our library catalog, the online catalog offers access to our electronic resources. From here, you can navigate to:
Overdrive Central Texas Digital Consortium
TexShare databases
Accelerated reader list
Project Gutenberg
View popular and new titles
Under the "What's Hot" section, you'll see titles that are frequently checked out. If the item appears in green, it's currently available. Items that appear in pink are currently checked out. You can also search items we've recently added to our catalog by clicking "What's New."
Search for books in the catalog
At the top left of the catalog, you'll find a search bar. Just type in your search terms and select "go" for a simple search.
View search results
Results will show up in green for items currently available at the library. Results in pink indicate that an item is currently checked out.
Refine search results
Selecting the "Refine Search" button on the left of the search results brings up additional search parameters that let you refine your search even further. You can select additional options like:
Material type
AR points
AR level
Understand individual search results
When you select a book from your results, you'll see the title, author, and book summary. You'll also see some enhanced features.
View similar titles and authors
By selecting "You May Also Like," you'll see similar authors and titles, which is especially helpful if you've enjoyed a book and want to discover similar books.
Search nearby libraries
If we don't have the title you're looking for, you can search nearby libraries by selecting the "Search Other Libraries" link just under the search bar.
Complete a new search
To complete a new search, simply select "clear" and start again.
Navigate to the kids' catalog
At the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, click the icon labeled "Kids' Catalog" to go directly to titles for children.
Search the kids' catalog
Children can search for titles by clicking any subject they see on screen. They can also use the search bar at the top left to search using a keyword, title, author, etc.