Bio & CV

You can download my resume here

However, an image is worth a thousand words...of CV. Here you can see a timeline with the milestones of my education and career. 

Cog. Neuroscience = Cognitive Neuroscience

UVa = University of Virginia (USA)

RHUL = Royal Holloway, University of London (UK)

UniBo = University of Bologna (ITA)

Birkbeck = Birckbeck, University of London (UK)

R code to make the plot above






# Specify status colors and levels

status_colors <- c("#0070C0","#00B050",'#FFC000', '#CC0033')

status_levels <- c("Education","Job-Completed",'Job-Current', "Other")

# Generate dataframe

milestonedf <- data.frame(

  year = c(2008, 2011, 2016, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2024),

  milestone = c('BSc\nPsychology', 'MSc\nCog. Neuroscience', 'First Publication', 'Ph.D. Defense',

                'Post-Doc\nUni of Essex', 'Post-Doc\nUVa', 'Post-Doc\nRHUL', 'Lecturer\nBirkbeck', 

                'Post-Doc\nUniBo', 'Lecturer\nBirkbeck'),

  status = c(rep(status_levels[1],2), status_levels[4], status_levels[1], rep(status_levels[2],5),


  direction = c(rep(c(1,-1), 4), 1, -1)

) %>%


    # specify status as factor

    status = factor(status, levels = status_levels),

    # Specify y-direction for milestone

    position = sample(c((1:2))/20,10,  replace = TRUE)*direction, 

    # Specify text position

    text_position = 0.03 * direction + position




#  PLOT 

ggplot(milestonedf,aes(x=year,y=0, col=status, label=milestone)) +

  labs(col="Milestones") +

  scale_color_manual(values=status_colors, labels=status_levels, drop = FALSE) +

  theme_classic() + 


  # Plot horizontal black line for timeline

  geom_hline(yintercept=0, color = "black", size=0.6) + 


  # Plot vertical segment lines for milestones

  geom_segment(data=milestonedf, aes(y=position,yend=0,xend=year), color='black', size=0.6)+


  # Plot scatter points at zero and date

  geom_point(data = milestonedf, aes(y=0), size=3) + 


  # Don't show axes, appropriately position legend






        axis.text.x =element_blank(),

        axis.ticks.x =element_blank(),

        axis.line.x =element_blank(),

        legend.position = "bottom",



  ) + 


  # Show year text

  geom_text(aes(x=year,y=-0.03,label=year, fontface="bold"),size=5, color='black') + 


  # Show text for each milestone

  geom_text_repel(data = milestonedf, aes(y=text_position,label=milestone),size=5, fontface="bold", point.size=NA)  +


  # Expand the graph so that all text are within the figure boundaries


    expand = expansion(mult = 0.1)


Interesting facts about my work

Percentage of papers published as first name or shared first name vs non-first name.

Last update: 31 January 2024

What are the most recurrent topics in my work? See it at a glance with a wordcloud plot generated from the introduction and discussion of all my published works