East Campus Library


About :

GGS Indraprastha University established an exemplary campus at East Delhi by establishing two schools of studies namely UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS (USAR) and UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DESIGN AND INNOVATION (USDI). 

The central library at East campus is established keeping an objective of New National Education Policy (NEP) that advocates STEAM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, ARTS, MATHEMATICS) education in a big way making diversity of learning, the cornerstone of every Programme in India, so that skills and knowledge can be inculcated  in developing well-rounded individuals, who can provide an informal and effective solution to any problem.

East campus Library will be centrally housed at 5th and 6th floor at C-Block and is presently operational at Upper Ground Floor. Both the floors of library with a seating capacity of 125 students, approximately are Wi-Fi enabled and has a dedicated space at 5th Floor for accessing digital resources.

Library is fully automated with cloud-based Integrated Library Management Software (Troodon) and is open to the user from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM from Monday to Friday.