History and Mission of GFWC


GFWC-NH Founded and Organized by Lilian Carpenter Streeter on the 24th of October 1895

To All Those Who Shared Her Labors And Whose Imagination And Energy Sent Roots Deep Into Our New Hampshire Life

Admitted to the General Federation of Women's Clubs , November 13, 1895, Incorporated, March 1933

GFWC-NH Past Presidents

Our club is strongly supported by those who have helped keep it running!

Thank you Past Presidents for your continued contributions to this club.

(L-R) Kathy Rugg, Judith Maguire, Joan Prue, Arlene Creden, TIna Smith, Nancy Greenberg, Carol Waters, Sandy Jones


This is the Federation we belong to.

The General Federation of Women's Clubs, and we have the best motto "Unity in Diversity"

Learn more about the history and mission of GFWC on their website gfwc.org

Here is an historic picture of members in front of the headquarters in Washington, DC. from the gfwc.org site