


Invited to present "Two studies on the role of the autonomic nervous system on well-being: heart rate variability and facial feedback" at the Mitt Universitet annual psychology event in March.

Invited to present our latest research on Motivation and Effort at the Mind and Matter conference in Helsinki, June 2023


Our harbour seal paper made it on the Cover of the Journal of Experimental Biology:

Rikke Eriksen started as a Forskerlinje student in Autumn 2022 on the Energy drink and cognitive effort project, stay tuned for news from the project (co-supervised by James McCutcheon) 

Tim Dassler started as PhD candidate on 1st of April 2022. He will work on the GUESSED project.

We welcome Francesca Parisi (internship) from the University in Napoli. She is in our lab until 29.6.2022.


We congratulate Dr. Markus Landrø (25.10.2021) for an excellent trial lecture and thesis defense.

Dr. Thies Luedtke delivered an excellent trial lecture and thesis defense. We congratulate! [10.6.2021]

Dr. Isabel Kreis delivered a fabulous trial lecture and thesis defense. We are very proud of her achievement. [13.4.2021]

We received a NORDFORSK grant for our Nordic (Finland, Norway, Sweden) project on "Grappling with Uncertainty in Environments Signaling Spurious Experiential Decisions" (GUESSED). Looking forward to collaborate with Ben Cowley, University Helskinki, Christin Schulze, Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Markus Hällgren, University Umeå and colleagues from UiT, Andrea Mannberg, Audun Hetland, Michael Mourreau.

New Preprint from lead author Isabel Kreis: Aberrant uncertainty processing is linked to psychotic-like experiences, autistic traits and reflected in pupil dilation.


Is paranoia increasing? This and more presented / answered at IMC, Århus, the NORTHERN DIMENSION FUTURE FORUM 2020 (the journalist asking about our data is ca. 1:10 min into the forum), and at a paneldebate at Lørdagsuniversitetet (in Norwegian)

How to stay sane in a pandemic? We have been interviewed about our COVID-19 study (in Norwegian): and as talk at Lørdagsuniversitet:

MathPsych pre-recorded talks: Our mathematical model of the beads task and on risk, ambiguity and information sampling

Martin was invited by Dagens Medisin and he (in Norwegian) wrote about listening and trusting health workers 

Kristoffer got recently interviewed about his experience of doing a replication project as part of the CREP

Martin got interviewed about the new combined clinical psychology and PhD program at UiT (Forskerlinje), the interview is in Norwegian

I got interviewed about our experience with open science and replication studies. You find the podcast here:


we currently recruit participants for a Feeling of Rightness study, interested? Please contact: Nora Tveit (ntv002[a]


no openings currently



Could conferences proceedings mitigate the publishing pressure? 

Thoughts on Consciousness

Recently, Prof Ralf Otte presented a quantum-theory of consciousness but I could not find out how he defined consciousness in the first place. Inspired by Antonio Damasio we (Joar Vittersø) had a discussion about the necessity of feelings for consciousness.

My personal take is that consciousness is being aware of thinking, incl planing, contemplating, reflecting. There is no overt behavior or action the organism is carrying out (besides breathing movements and alike). The important part is being aware of the thinking, not any implicit processing. Hence, being able to state what it was one was thinking about is consciousness, and also found in non-human animals. Contemplating about oneself's role in the universe is then self-consciousness.