lab members

Principal investigator

Gerit Pfuhl

Post-doctoral researcher

Markus Landrø (NORDFORSK / NVE funded)

PhD students

Kristoffer Klevjer (NFR funded)

cand. psyk. Martin Jensen Mækelæ

Tim Dassler (started April 2022)

Rebekka Lisøy (NTNU)

Masterstudent 2022/2023

Nora Tveit

Forskerlinje student 2022/2023

Rikke Eriksen

Internship 2022

Francesca Parisi

lab members as of December 2019: Martin J Mækelæ, Kristoffer Klevjer, Thies Luedtke, Isabel Kreis, Gerit Pfuhl


PhD Isabel Kreis (FRIPRO), thesis: Metacognition and decision-making in schizophrenia: Exploring how aberrant processing and representation of uncertainty may explain cognitive-behavioral biases. She is now a post-doctoral fellow at NORMENT, Oslo, Norway

PhD Thies Luedtke, thesis: Identifying and treating predictors of psychotic symptoms - How findings from Experience Sampling research can help to improve the treatment of psychosis and the prediction of relapse. He is now a postdoctoral fellow at the Medical School Hamburg, Germany

Post-doctoral researcher Luzia R Troebinger.

PhD Herve Thevenon, thesis topic: What are the necessary characteristics of the nervous system to exhibit habituation?, now at CRNS Paris

M.Sc. Fozia Aweys Abukar, project: TIme-pressure and incentivized deliberate reasoning

M.Sc. Kristoffer Klevjer, project: Cognitive effort and deliberate reasoning

M.Sc. Thea Simensen, project: motivation and effort in patients with psychosis

M.Sc. Celine Rognskaug, project: Cognitive effort and feeling of control

M.Sc. Thomas Sundstrøm, project real and perceived precision in short-term memory

Cand. Psyk. Agnes Bohne (now PhD student at UiT, I am her co-supervisor), project: attention and (meta-)memory in MDD

Cand. Psyk. Åsne Lindahl, project: attention and (meta-)memory in MDD

Cand. Psyk. Lina Livsdatter, project: motivation and effort in patients (followed up by Thea Simensen)

Cand. Psyk. Sunniva Kaurin, project: gut-brain interaction

Cand. Psyk. Jørn Halvorsen Esjeholm, project: misperception and costly signalling

Cand. Psyk. Øyvind Solheim Knutson, project: misperception and costly signalling

research assistants (2016): Elise Ellingsen, Sandra Drevsjø (motivation and effort in patients)

research assistants (2021): Amanda Ernstsen, Frida Stenholt (treadmill study, information updating during physical activity)


Assoc. Prof Christin Schulze, Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Germany

Prof Jason Rothman, Polarlab, UiT, Tromsø, Norway

Prof Robert Biegler, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

Prof Håkon Tjelmeland, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

Postdoctoral Fellow Lei Zhang, SCAN lab, Vienna, Austria

PhD candidate Rebekka Lisøy, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

PhD candidate Agnes Bohne, IPS, Tromsø, Norway

Assoc. Prof Audun Hetland, CARE, UiT, Tromsø, Norway

Prof Andrea Mannberg, CARE, UiT, Tromsø, Norway

Assoc. Prof Rune Engeset, CARE, NVE, Norway

Prof Steffen Moritz, UKE Hamburg, Germany

Assoc. Prof Wenche ten Velden Hegelstad, SUS, Stavanger, Norway