
Open Science:

UiT - The Arctic University of Norway is at the forefront of open science, with excellent resources and workshops. In addition, my lab joined the Psychological Science Accelerator, and we collected data for the face rating study, we also collected data for PSA002 and PSA003. We also participate in AccCREP, a PSA004 study. last year we contributed to the PSA COVID-19 studies, the first of three projects got recently published.

I am also a member of the ethics committee at the PSA.

Optimal decision-making in avalanche terrain (and stay alive):

Cognitive biases are common, and we all have biases as some serve us well, but some biases can also be exploited for better decision-making, e.g., asking about safety vs danger. At CARE - Center for Avalanche research and education, we develop tools (e.g., fast and frugal decision trees, wisdom of the crowds) to encourage safer decision-making in snowy mountains. The research is in close collaboration with NVE - the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy directorate. We recently got funded by NORDFORSK.

Optimal decision-making to stay (mentally) healthy:

We investigate decision-making along the autism-psychosis continuum. After scrutinizing our tasks on healthy participants, we recruit patients with psychosis in collaboration with Prof. Steffen Moritz, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Clinical Neuropsychology Unit, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany and Dr. Wenche ten Velden Hegelstad, Stavanger University hospital, Norway. The modelling is performed together with Prof. Håkon Tjelmeland, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU, Norway. The project was funded by NFR.

We collaborate with the group of Prof. Gunnar Hartvigsen and Prof. Eirik Årsand, Medical Informatics & Telemedicine / E-health, UiT Tromsø in understanding motivational factors of health apps usage.

Together with Kristin Benjaminsen Borch from the "Healthy Choices" team at the Health faculty we currently run a longitudinal study on self-help apps.

Keeping mentally fit and healthy aging requires constant engagement and the motivation to live a healthy life. Everyday decisions, as minor as they seem can have huge effects. Bi-lingualism offers constant training and delays cognitive decline - how can we foster bilingualism beyond retirement? Together with Prof. Jason Rothman at the PoLaR lab we look into that. Funding pending but we are optimistic.

Finally, Prof. Catharina E A Wang, Department of Psychology, UiT Tromsø, and God start for små i Nord aims to find protective mechanisms of postnatal depression. We contributed with cognitive tests in their longitudinal study and supervision of MA and PhD students.