2022 Xmas Celebration
@ The Rubber Chicken

Fabulous prizes donated for the raffle - the Xmas Hamper was huge!

Geni Chook having a ball at the Xmas event.

Catching up with good friends.

Charles Kovess with our friend Elliot Goblet.

The winners of the Xmas Hamper were Carlos and partner. Tickets picked by Lehmo!

Thank you to all our helpers on the night!

Morry from The Rubber Chicken, the voice back stage. 

The Comedy show with Lehmo and friends.

Ready for the show to begin. Hi Julian!

Good friends catching up to celebration Xmas! 

Danny and Diane are the best!

Charles and guests.

Morry with GENI Team members Charles and Willem

Cheers Charles and Willem.

And cheers to you too!

Ruanna, Charles and Willem squeezing into social frame.

Looks like Morry said something funny to Jerry!

Framed! Gotta ya Julian and Katia. Looking good!

Jay picked the best seat in the house.

Having more fun with the social frame. Ruanna, Jerry & Janette.

Getting the ball rolling with the social frame.