2023 Comedy Gala - Annual Fundraiser
for the UN World Environment Day 

Our 2nd Annual Fundraiser - Comedy Gala, at The Rubber Chicken. 

Dinner was a must before hand.

Fabulous to connect with long time  sponsors!

Having a catch up with everyone after the show.

There are always discussions to be had.

And of course the obligatory lovely glass of wine!

What a team! Thanks to Jacinta for all the love, marketing and social media expertise.

Then these two love birds always take the best picture of the night, every year!

Bev Killick was the funniest comedian of the night. What a born gift she has.

Time to wrap up the night.

Our last cheers for another year!

The Green Room is a fabulous space to get together.

We have been getting together for years, made some fabulous friendships.

Even Geni Chook is making friendships.

It was girls night at The Rubber Chicken.